Schneider Electric Exxact frame WDE004350 is in color anthracite with 1 gang. This frame belongs to Solid aesthetic group. The dimension of this frame is 87 mm, 119 mm and 11.6 mm. The device mounting type can be flush, surface. IP20 level makes the frame as reliable and resistant as possible. Being made of ABS + metal material, this frame is very reliable and resistant. It obtained FIMKO, NEMKO, SEMKO certificate as well. What's more, it well satisfied the standards of IEC 60884-1. As a green premium product, this device is environmentally friendly as well. And it is mercury free as well as heavy metal free, taking care of the environment all the time. This frame is SVHC (substances of very high concern) free too. Exxact is a wiring range developed from Nordic installation habits. As integrated solutions for energy and comfort controls, there are more than 250 functions and inserts to choose from.