Registreeru, et avada oma eksklusiivsed B2B hinnad ja alustada ostlemist. Registreeru kohe!
Device marking, Self-adhesive, 11 mm, PA 66, white image 1

Device marking, Self-adhesive, 11 mm, PA 66, white

Laos: Ei Hankija laovaru: Ei Minimaalne tellimuse kogus: 200
Hind (ilma KM-ta):
0,258 €
Hind kehtib kuni 24.12.25
Vahesumma: 51,60 € MOQ: 200
EAN: 4032248402731
MPN: 1857440000
Karp: 1
Hinnanguline tarneaeg meie laos (umbes): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Toote seisukord Uus
Tootja nimi Device marking, Self-adhesive, 11 mm, PA 66, white
Bränd Weidmüller
Kategooriad Elektrikilbid
Päritoluriik DE
Harmoneeritud süsteemi kood 3926 9097 00
Värvus Valge
Laius 11 mm
Kõrgus 9 mm
Isekleepuv Yes
Pikkus 0.8 mm
Magnetiline No
Läbipaistev No

Pakendamise üksikasjad

Pakkimistase 1 4032248402731


Markers for identifying equipment. The markers can be labelled with a printer or plotter and the appropriate software.


4032248730063 4032248730070 4032248730087 4032248730094 4032248781072 4032248799213 4032248831128 4032248974436 4032248998326 4032248998333 4032248998340 4032248998357 4032248998364 4032248998371 4032248998388 4032248998395 4032248998401 4032248998418 4032248998425 4032248998432 4032248998463 4032248998456 4032248998470 4032248998487 4032248998494 4032248998500 4032248998517 4032248998524 4032248998555 4032248998548 4032248998531 4032248998579 4032248998562 4032248998586 4032248998616 4032248998593 4032248998609 4032248998623 4032248998630 4032248998647 4032248998654 4032248998678 4032248998661 4032248998685 4050118005806 4050118060027 4050118102703 4050118102697 4050118103229 4050118125115 4050118125078 4050118232318 4050118244380 4032248644667 4032248644650 4032248644681 4032248644698 4032248651627 4032248651634 4032248651658 4032248651641 4032248651665 4032248653980 4032248653973 4032248651672 4032248651696 4032248651702 4032248651719 4032248651726 4032248651733 4032248651740 4032248651757 4032248651764 4032248651771 4032248651788 4032248651795 4032248651801 4032248651818 4032248651825 4032248651832 4032248651849 4032248651856 4032248651863 4032248651870 4032248651887 4032248645510 4032248645541 4032248645589 4032248645596 4032248645619 4032248646050 4032248651924 4032248649075 4050118406061 4050118514322 4050118578928 4050118665543 4050118665550 4064675077183 4064675077176 4064675077169 4064675077152 4064675077145 4064675077138 4064675077121 4064675077114 4064675077107 4064675076995 4064675076988 4064675076971 4064675076964 4064675076957 4064675076940 4064675076933 4064675076926 4064675076919 4064675076902 4064675076896 4064675076889 4064675076872 4064675076865 4064675076858 4064675076841 4064675076834 4064675076766 4064675076759 4064675076742 4064675076735 4064675076728 4064675076711 4064675076704 4064675076698 4064675076681 4064675076674 4064675076667 4064675076650 4064675076643 4064675076636 4064675076629 4064675076612 4064675076605 4064675076599 4064675076582 4064675076575 4064675076568 4064675076551 4064675076544 4064675076537 4064675076520 4064675076513 4064675025108 4032248734801 4032248734917 4032248734924 4032248734931 4032248734979 4032248734955 4032248734993 4032248735006 4032248735013 4032248735020 4032248735037