Schneider Electric Exxact light signal WDE002565 is in color white with LED. And the cap operator or lens color is red. This device is to be completed with Exxact frame. The fixing mode of this device is by hidden screws. Flush mounting is supported so that its box can be recessed into the surface and unexposed. In addition, the rated operational voltage of this device is 250V. And the rated current of this light signal is 1A. It is 71 mm in width, 71 mm in height, with an embedding depth of 23 mm, whose projecting depth is 24 mm. This light signal reaches IP20 against solid objects and liquids. Its connection terminals are screwless terminals. Being made of ABS + PC material, this light signal is very reliable and resistant. What's more, it well satisfied the standards of EN 62094-1. It obtained CE, FIMKO, NEMKO, SEMKO certificate as well. Besides, this is a green premium product, taking care of your family as much as possible. And it is mercury free. Exxact is a wiring range developed from Nordic installation habits. As integrated solutions for energy and comfort controls, there are more than 250 functions and inserts to choose from.