System 3000 room temperature controller insert with sensor connection Features: Switching of electric underfloor heating systems and thermal servos. Output signal: Pulse width modulation (PWM) or two-point control (On Off). Input for switching over to cooling mode. Interrupts the heating process after 60 minutes (overheating protection of a heater). Connection of a remote sensor (accessory) possible. Combination with RF operating top unit, 1-gang 2-gang for KNX: Heating actuator, 1-gang Sensor channel, 1-gang or 2-gang. Local control of System 3000 insert possible. Wireless control of other devices for KNX as sensor possible. Temperature detection. Insert function selection for room temperature controller: Control of 230 V servos, heating mode, cooling mode, heating and cooling mode, switchover to heating or cooling mode via communication object or auxiliary input. PWM and 2-point controller, absolute and relative setpoint setting, heating requirement control incl. cascading, valve protection function. Cyclical monitoring of the floor temperature, service mode for valve output, frost protection function (automatic or via communication object), temperature sensor calibration, boost function, summer and winter compensation. Auxiliary input is used to switch between heating and cooling mode.