The 2-fold analog inputs can record different measurement values (e.g.: air quality, humidity, wind direction, etc.) using universal sensors (0-10VDC, 0-20mA, 4-20mA) or the temperature (PT1000 sensor, 265643) and provide the comfortable electrical installation. The supply is carried out via a separate 24VDC power supply unit (110772 or 110773, not included as standard!!!). The 24VDC supply is fed through 2-fold at the analog input and is therefore available for supplying the active sensors. depending on the sensors connected, the correct settings must be carried out for each channel. Notice: check the load and correct supply of the sensors!!! Notice: for the precise measurement and displaying of the values, use a reference measuring device to record the offset and adjust the zOffsetz in MFR. The device is mounted in the junction or installation box. Attention!: Does not work with xComfort Bridge