Papildu kontaktu skaits kā parasti atvērts kontakts
Papildkontaktu skaits kā parasti slēgts kontakts
Papildkontaktu skaits kā pārslēgšanas kontakts
Maks. nominālais darba spriegums Ue
690 V
Regulējams strāvas diapazons
0.14-0.2 A
Atiestatīt funkcijas ievadi
Automātiska atiestatīšanas funkcija
Atiestatīšanas funkcijas spiedpoga
Iepakojuma informācija
Iepakojuma līmenis 1
Overload relay 0.14...0.20 A Thermal For motor protection Size S00, Class 10 Contactor mounting Main circuit: Ring cable lug Auxiliary circuit: ring cable lug Manual-Automatic-Reset thermal overload relay SIRIUS 3RU2 for inverse-time delayed protection of loads with normal starting against excessive temperature rises due to overload or phase failure.
This series is particularly flexible and cost-effective. Worldwide approvals (e.g. IEC and UL/CSA) and applications in hazardous areas (ATEX or IEC Ex) are a matter of course.
Can be supplied with different setting ranges of the overload release. They are available with screw or spring-type terminals for fast, maintenance-free and vibration-proof connection, as well as for stand-alone installation.
The accessories consistently fit all sizes from S00 to S3.
Simple, efficient and always up to date - SIRIUS modular system.