S200MT miniature circuit breakers are designed especially for traction and railway applications. Acc. NF F 16-101/102 the product range S200MT is classified with Exigence 3, enabling the use in all parts of the vehicle. They are current limiting and have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characteristics (C,D,K,Z), configurations (1P,1P+N,2P,3P,3P+N,4P), breaking capacities (up to 10 kA at 230/400 V AC) and rated currents (up to 63A). All MCBs of the product range S200MT comply with IEC/EN 60898-1 and IEC/EN 609 47-2. All system pro M compact accessories can be used.
Including the bottom-fitting auxiliary contact S2C-Hxx providing the possibility of 50% space saving and the creation of group signals.