Maks. izeja pie lineāras slodzes pie nominālā izejas sprieguma
1.5 kW
Maks. izeja pie kvadrātiskās slodzes pie nominālā izejas sprieguma
1.5 kW
Relatīvā simetriskā tīkla sprieguma pielaide
10 %
Relatīvā simetriskā tīkla frekvences pielaide
10 %
Atbalsta protokols AS-interfeisa drošībai darbā
DeviceNet Safety atbalsta protokols
Atbalsta protokols EtherNet/IP
Atbalsta protokols Foundation Fieldbus
PROFINET CBA atbalsta protokols
PROFINET IO atbalsta protokols
PROFIsafe atbalsta protokols
Atbalsta protokols SafetyBUS lpp
Maks. izejas spriegums
250 V
Nominālā izejas strāva I2N
7 A
Atbalsta protokols BACnet
Aizsardzības pakāpe (NEMA)
Iepakojuma informācija
Iepakojuma līmenis 1
Variable frequency drive, Part group reference (e.g. DIL): DA1, Rated operational voltage: Ue = 230 V AC, 1-phase, 240 V AC, single-phase, Output voltage with Ve: U2 = 230 V AC, 3-phase, 240 V AC, 3-phase, Mains voltage (50/60Hz): ULN = 200 (-10%) - 240 (+10%) V, Rated operational current At 150% overload: Ie = 7 A, Note: Rated operational current at an operating frequency of 16 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +50 °C, Note: Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 s, Assigned motor rating Note: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz , Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 s, at 230 V, 50 Hz, Assigned motor rating 150 % Overload: P = 1.5 kW, 150 % Overload: IM = 6.3 A, Assigned motor rating Note: at 220 - 240 V, 60 Hz, Assigned motor rating 150 % Overload: P = 2 HP, Assigned motor rating 150 % Overload: IM = 6.8 A, Degree of Protection: IP20/NEMA 0, Interface/field bus (built-in): OP-Bus (RS485)/Modbus RTU, CANopen®, Fieldbus connection (optional): Ethernet IP, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Modbus-TCP, EtherCAT, SmartWire-DT, Fitted with: Radio interference suppression filter, Brake chopper, Additional PCB protection, 7-digital display assembly, Frame size: FS2 , Standards: Specification for general requirements: IEC/EN 61800-2, EMC requirements: IEC/EN 61800-3, Safety requirements: IEC/EN 61800-5-1