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Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW image 1
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW image 2
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW image 3
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW image 4
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW thumbnail 1
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW thumbnail 2
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW thumbnail 3
Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW thumbnail 4

Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
3,26 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4011377184091
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Inlets for cables, pipes and trunkings 13SW
Brand Jung
Categories Accessories (switches & sockets)
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Colour Black
Model Conduit inlet
RAL-number (similar) 9005
Suitable for built-up box flush-mounted switching equipment Yes

Packing details

Packing level 1 4011377184091
Packing level 2 4011377184091



Invoerstukje zwart voor buis 16 mm.

Suitable for

Suitable for
4011377212039 4011377212077 4011377212138 4011377212176 4011377212121 4011377212145 4011377212169 4011377212114 4011377094673 4011377094680 4011377338258 4011377019867 4011377019874 4011377039773 4011377338050 4011377338159 4011377338555 4011377094697 4011377094703 4011377338357 4011377039780 4011377338456 4011377338852 4011377094710 4011377094727 4011377039797 4011377338753 4011377338654 4011377345614 4011377345621 4011377345638 4011377345645 4011377345676 4011377345669 4011377345683 4011377345706 4011377345690 4011377345713 4011377345737 4011377345720 4011377345744 4011377345775 4011377345768 4011377345782 4011377345799 4011377345805 4011377345812 4011377345829 4011377345836 4011377345843 4011377345867 4011377345874 4011377345881 4011377345898 4011377345928 4011377345911 4011377345904 4011377345935 4011377345942 4011377345966 4011377345973 4011377345997 4011377345980 4011377346000 4011377346017 4011377346024 4011377346031 4011377346048 4011377346055 4011377346062 4011377346086 4011377346079 4011377346093 4011377346116 4011377346109 4011377346123 4011377346130 4011377346154 4011377346147 4011377346161 4011377346178 4011377346185 4011377346192 4011377346208 4011377346215 4011377346222 4011377346239 4011377346246 4011377346277 4011377346260 4011377346284 4011377346291 4011377346307 4011377346338 4011377346314 4011377346345 4011377346369 4011377346321 4011377346376 4011377346383 4011377346413 4011377346390 4011377346420 4011377346437 4011377346468 4011377346475 4011377346444 4011377346482 4011377346499 4011377346505 4011377346512 4011377346529 4011377346543 4011377346536 4011377346567 4011377346574 4011377346581 4011377346598 4011377346611 4011377346604 4011377346628 4011377346635 4011377346642 4011377346666 4011377346673 4011377346680 4011377346703 4011377346697 4011377346710 4011377346727 4011377346741 4011377346734 4011377346772 4011377346765 4011377346789 4011377346796 4011377346819 4011377346802 4011377346826 4011377346833 4011377346840 4011377346864 4011377346871 4011377346888 4011377346901 4011377346918 4011377346895 4011377346925 4011377346932 4011377346963 4011377346949 4011377346970 4011377346987 4011377346994 4011377288461 4011377288447 4011377288478 4011377288485 4011377288508 4011377288515 4011377288492 4011377288522 4011377288546 4011377288539 4011377288560 4011377288577 4011377288584 4011377288591 4011377288607 4011377288614 4011377288621 4011377288638 4011377288645 4011377288676 4011377288669 4011377288690 4011377288683 4011377288706 4011377288713 4011377288720 4011377288737 4011377288768 4011377288744 4011377288775 4011377288799 4011377288782 4011377288805 4011377288812 4011377288829 4011377288850 4011377288836 4011377288843 4011377288874 4011377288867 4011377288881 4011377288898 4011377288904 4011377288911 4011377288935 4011377288928 4011377288942 4011377288973 4011377288966 4011377288980 4011377289017 4011377288997 4011377289024 4011377289031 4011377289048 4011377289062 4011377289086 4011377289079 4011377289109 4011377289093 4011377289116 4011377289123 4011377289130 4011377322677 4011377048652 4011377186644 4011377048638 4011377048645 4011377186668 4011377322684 4011377048720 4011377186675 4011377048690 4011377048713 4011377186682 4011377322691 4011377048782 4011377048768 4011377187542 4011377048775 4011377187535