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Small control device, 8 inputs, 6 outputs image 1

Small control device, 8 inputs, 6 outputs

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
370,54 €
This price is valid until 30.04.25
EAN: 4003468575093
MPN: 5750014
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): By request

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Small control device, 8 inputs, 6 outputs
Brand Theben
Categories Programmable logic controllers
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8537 1091 00
Width 124.8 mm
Model Compact
Height 90 mm
Depth 57 mm
With display Yes
Suitable for safety functions No
Number of digital inputs 8
Number of digital outputs 6
Number of analogue inputs 0
Number of analogue outputs 0
Voltage type of supply voltage AC
Type of memory EEPROM
Memory size 5 kByte
Processing time (1K, binary operation) 60 ms
Supporting protocol for LON No
Number of HW-interfaces industrial Ethernet 0
Number of HW-interfaces RS-232 2
Number of HW-interfaces RS-422 0
Number of HW-interfaces RS-485 0
Number of HW-interfaces USB 0
Number of HW-interfaces parallel 0
Number of HW-interfaces other 0
With optical interface No
Additional program memory possible No
Supporting protocol for TCP/IP No
Supporting protocol for ASI No
Supporting protocol for PROFIBUS No
Supporting protocol for CAN No
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS No
Supporting protocol for KNX No
Supporting protocol for Modbus No
Supporting protocol for Data-Highway No
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet No
Supporting protocol for SUCONET No
Supporting protocol for other bus systems No
Redundancy No
Rail mounting possible Yes
Explosion safety category for gas None
Explosion safety category for dust None
System accessory No
Appendant operation agent (Ex ia) No
Appendant operation agent (Ex ib) No
Supporting protocol for SERCOS No
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS-Safety No
Number of interfaces PROFINET 0
Number of HW-interfaces Wireless 0
Front built-in possible Yes
Rack-assembly possible No
Wall mounting/direct mounting No
Radio standard Bluetooth No
Radio standard Wi-Fi 802.11 No
IO link master No
Number of relay outputs 6
Max. number of time switches 1
Supporting protocol for AS-Interface Safety at Work No
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet Safety No
Supporting protocol for EtherNet/IP No
Supporting protocol for Foundation Fieldbus No
Supporting protocol for PROFINET CBA No
Supporting protocol for PROFINET IO No
Supporting protocol for PROFIsafe No
Supporting protocol for SafetyBUS p No
Supply voltage AC 50 Hz 100-240 V
Supply voltage AC 60 Hz 100-240 V
Radio standard GPRS No
Radio standard GSM No
Radio standard UMTS No
SIL according to IEC 61508 None

Packing details

Packing level 1 4003468575093


Reiheneinbau-Kleinsteuergerät, Schnellbefestigung oder Wandmontage, Breite 125 mm, 34 unterschiedliche Funktionsblöcke integriert, die jeweils bis zu max. 200 mal verwendet werden können, Programmierung direkt am Gerät oder durch die komfortable Software, 3 Ebenen Passwortschutz, Fernwirken/Fernüberwachen über Modem oder GSM-Modem möglich, Übertragen von SMS-Nachrichten, E-Mail oder Fax realisierbar, erweiterbar durch Bausteine mit 4 Ausgängen oder Eingängen. Funktionsblöcke: logische Funktionen, BOOLEAN, Setzen Rücksetzen, Zeitverzögerung, Impulsformer, Flankenauswertung, Taktgeber, Stromstoßrelais, Betriebsstundenzähler, Zähler, Auf-/Abwärtszähler, Vergleicher, Echtzeituhr, Signalumformer (GAIN), Anzeige (4 Zeilen á 12 Zeichen für Daten od. Kommentare), Bereichsvergleich, Schmitt Trigger (2-Punkt-Regler), PWM, frequenzabhängiges Schalten, GSM/SMS, Zufallsgenerator, SHIFT-Funktion, Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation, Division, arithmetische Funktionsgleichung. LCD-Anzeigefeld mit Bedienerführung in Klartext. Anzeige der Schaltzustände der Ein-und Ausgänge und MMI-Funktion. Betriebsspannung 100-240V/50 Hz, 8 digitale Eingänge, 6 Relaisausgänge á 8A/250V.