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Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white image 1
Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white image 2
Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white image 3
Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white thumbnail 1
Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white thumbnail 2
Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white thumbnail 3

Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
12,87 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4024163262248
MPN: 1006142
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Numinos© S mounting frame, square 160/100mm white
Brand SLV
Categories Luminaire accessories
Country of origin CN
Harmonized System Code 9405 9900 00
Application Hollow ceiling
Built-in depth 150 mm
Suitable for lamp power NA W
Built-in width 120 mm
Material Steel
Built-in length 120 mm
Suitable for high voltage luminaires No
Suitable for low voltage luminaires No
Max. diameter luminaire 0 mm
Min. ceiling thickness 0 mm
With space for gear No
Suitable for LED luminaires Yes

Packing details

Packing level 1 4024163262248



The installation frame, of the Numinos® S series, is the start of a professional, flexible ceiling installation system for false ceilings with a material thickness of 3 - 30 mm and is intended for use with the Numinos® S series.

Suitable for

Suitable for
4024163240048 4024163240062 4024163240055 4024163240079 4024163240086 4024163240109 4024163240093 4024163240116 4024163240154 4024163240161 4024163240178 4024163240185 4024163240192 4024163240208 4024163240222 4024163240215 4024163240239 4024163240277 4024163240284 4024163240291 4024163240307 4024163240314 4024163240321 4024163240345 4024163240338 4024163240352 4024163240390 4024163240413 4024163240406 4024163240420 4024163240437 4024163240451 4024163240444 4024163240468 4024163240475 4024163240529 4024163240512 4024163240536 4024163240543 4024163240550 4024163240567 4024163240574 4024163240581 4024163240598 4024163254434 4024163254427 4024163254410 4024163254403 4024163254397 4024163254380 4024163254366 4024163254373 4024163254342 4024163254359 4024163254335 4024163254328 4024163254311 4024163254304 4024163254281 4024163254298 4024163254274 4024163254267 4024163254229 4024163254250 4024163254243 4024163254236 4024163254212 4024163254205 4024163254182 4024163254199 4024163254175 4024163254168 4024163254151 4024163254144 4024163254137 4024163254120 4024163254113 4024163254106 4024163254090 4024163254083 4024163254076 4024163254052 4024163254069 4024163254045 4024163254038 4024163254014 4024163254021 4024163254007 4024163253994 4024163253987 4024163253970 4024163253956 4024163253963 4024163253949 4024163253932 4024163253925 4024163253918 4024163253901 4024163259262 4024163259279 4024163259248 4024163259255 4024163259231 4024163259224 4024163259200 4024163259187 4024163259217 4024163259194 4024163259170 4024163259163 4024163259156 4024163259149 4024163259132 4024163259125 4024163259118 4024163259101 4024163259095 4024163259088 4024163259071 4024163259064 4024163259057 4024163259040 4024163259033 4024163259026 4024163259002 4024163259019 4024163258999 4024163258982 4024163258975 4024163258968 4024163258951 4024163258944 4024163258937 4024163258913 4024163258920 4024163258906 4024163258890 4024163258876 4024163258869 4024163258883 4024163258852 4024163258838 4024163258821 4024163258845 4024163258814 4024163258807 4024163258791 4024163258784 4024163258753 4024163258777 4024163258760 4024163258746