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NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black image 1
NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black image 2
NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black thumbnail 1
NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black thumbnail 2

NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
10,46 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4024163249430
MPN: 1004793
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name NUMINOS M Diffusor Wabe W LED IP20 black
Brand SLV
Categories Luminaire accessories
Country of origin CN
Colour Black
Width 0 mm
Beam angle 0 °
Type of accessory/spare part Dimming/screen
Diameter 47.5 mm
Length 0 mm
Height/depth 4 mm
Material Plastic
Kind of cover None
Light outlet Direct
Light sharing Symmetric
Grid perforated No
Reflector perforated No
Design of the grid/reflector None
Light distributor None

Packing details

Packing level 1 4024163249430



Do you want to put together individual solutions from a variety of downlights, wattages, luminous intensities and colours, semi-diffuse angles and other features? And with a uniform lighting and design concept? The NUMINOS® lighting system, which can be freely configured and combined, offers over a thousand possibilities. Like this diffuser, which, with its honeycomb grid, ensures that the light emitted is perceived with less glare and the light cone is limited. When will you choose SLV's modular variety?

Suitable for

Suitable for
4024163237161 4024163237192 4024163237178 4024163237185 4024163237208 4024163237215 4024163237222 4024163237239 4024163237277 4024163237284 4024163237307 4024163237291 4024163237314 4024163237321 4024163237345 4024163237338 4024163237352 4024163237390 4024163237406 4024163237413 4024163237420 4024163237437 4024163237444 4024163237451 4024163237468 4024163237475 4024163237512 4024163237543 4024163237529 4024163237536 4024163237550 4024163237574 4024163237567 4024163237581 4024163237598 4024163237642 4024163237635 4024163237659 4024163237666 4024163237673 4024163237680 4024163237697 4024163237710 4024163237703 4024163239912 4024163239936 4024163239929 4024163239943 4024163239950 4024163239967 4024163239974 4024163240031 4024163239998 4024163239981 4024163240048 4024163240062 4024163240055 4024163240079 4024163240086 4024163240109 4024163240093 4024163240116 4024163240154 4024163240161 4024163240178 4024163240185 4024163240192 4024163240208 4024163240222 4024163240215 4024163240239 4024163240277 4024163240284 4024163240291 4024163240307 4024163240314 4024163240321 4024163240345 4024163240338 4024163240352 4024163240390 4024163240413 4024163240406 4024163240420 4024163240437 4024163240451 4024163240444 4024163240468 4024163240475 4024163240529 4024163240512 4024163240536 4024163240543 4024163240550 4024163240567 4024163240574 4024163240581 4024163240598 4024163258739 4024163258722 4024163258715 4024163258708 4024163258692 4024163258685 4024163258678 4024163258661 4024163258654 4024163258647 4024163258630 4024163258623 4024163258616 4024163258609 4024163258593 4024163258586 4024163258579 4024163258548 4024163258555 4024163258562 4024163258531 4024163258524 4024163258517 4024163258494 4024163258500 4024163258487 4024163258470 4024163258463 4024163258456 4024163258449 4024163258425 4024163258432 4024163258418 4024163258371 4024163258388 4024163258395 4024163258401 4024163258364 4024163258357 4024163258340 4024163258333 4024163258326 4024163258319 4024163258302 4024163258296 4024163258265 4024163258289 4024163258272 4024163258258 4024163258241 4024163258234 4024163258227 4024163258210 4024163258203