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🔥 OSRAM Conventional Light – Still Available for Order!

Traditional OSRAM Lamps with Proven Quality
Available for Order – Get Yours While Stocks Last!

🔹 Available Lamp Types: T5, T8 Fluorescent Tubes, DULUX (D, T, S, L), POWERSTAR
🔹 Big Orders Only – Orders accepted in full boxes per SKU
🔹 Delivery Time: Estimated 5–6 months

⚠️ No Order Cancellations after confirmation.

For details on stock availability, bulk pricing, and logistics, please contact your manager or visit our platform for real-time information on OSRAM fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps, and metal halide solutions.

Why Choose OSRAM Fluorescent Tubes and Lamps from Us?
✔️ Long-lasting performance
✔️ Competitive export prices
✔️ Direct access to large inventories

Don’t miss your chance to stock up on high-demand conventional lighting solutions, including T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes!