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Phoenix Contact

The company started as a small family business, but it has managed to do much more than that. Today the production is established in 55 countries, including the Baltic countries. A wide range of lighting fixtures and components is available at  wholesale and retail.

The official Phoenix Contact supplier in Latvia offers great conditions for cooperation. You can search products by using filtration system. It is necessary to check the button "In stock" and get acquainted with the content of the catalog.

Phoenix Contact distributor - German reliability

Products in this brand meet the modern requirements of customers. Innovative technologies are used for the production of products, which do not affect the environment. Thus, the manufacturer guarantees the safe use of products.

The list of products includes the following categories:

  • production equipment;

  • renewable energy sources;

  • complete systems for connecting devices.

The scope of application of the products is not limited to one sector. Products from Phoenix Contact catalog are used in production, construction and households. Compliance with requirements and quality has led to the receipt of certificates. Thus, the brand guarantees safety for the owners and compliance with their preferences.

The official Phoenix Contact dealer brand with individual wholesale prices in Latvia

It is possible to buy these products in Latvia. It's enough to study the range of offers on the website of the official distributor. Because the company owns a warehouse of 5 000 sq.m., wholesale and retail customers have an opportunity to purchase the necessary equipment.

Cooperation with the supplier starts with account registration. To create an account can legal persons who have successfully passed the verification. It is necessary to provide reliable information about their work in order to register on the business platform and online marketplace.

Phoenix Contact as customers should be aware of the following features of working with the vendor:

  • delivery to the recipient's address is available in the Baltics;

  • storage of ordered goods in warehouse is possible by prior arrangement;

  • payment for goods is made immediately after the invoice (regular customers can pay for purchases within 15-60 days).

Users looking for products on the site will easily find great deals. In addition, registered customers receive additional discounts. Popular customer requests include:

  • PCB connector;

  • PCB terminal block;

  • Potential distributors;

  • Spacer plate;

  • UK 10.3-CC HESILED N 72 2POL.

You can explore the complete Phoenix catalog without logging into your account. To shop, you need to form an order and fill out the suggested questionnaire.

How to order Phoenix Contact products at   in wholesale?

 warehouse of 5000 sq.m and the ability to receive shipments from the manufacturer allows you to provide a diverse assortment. Goods are available both in stock and on order. It is easy to make an order and get the necessary equipment.

Add offers to cart and use personal discounts. The total cost of the order is calculated by the system automatically. Regular customers have access to deferred payment service, warehouse storage and fast dispatch to the specified address. 

To enjoy the benefits of shopping on the platform, you need a personal account. Wholesale customers get customized offers and save on the purchase of components. In this way, customers enjoy quality service and buy the goods they need at an affordable price online. At the same time, you can order goods anywhere in Europe.