The history of the Stanley company and brand dates back to 1843. At that time, Frederick Stanley founded a company with the same name in the American city of Connecticut. The initial specialization was the manufacture of door hinges and locks, but everything has changed.
For more than 150 years of fruitful work, the workshops have grown into a huge hand tool corporation. Modern Stanley factories, equipped with the latest technology, are located worldwide. The USA, Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and others participate in producing hand tools "Stanley". The central company office keeps the quality of the products under constant control.
The Stanley company is improving its products every day. It is worth mentioning laser equipment, including laser levels, manufactured in the USA. The range of Stanley products is more than 1000 items, which gives everyone the opportunity to choose the right kind of tool that meets the standards. Some examples of handheld stanley tools are:
automobile tools;
measuring equipment;
for carpenters and locksmiths;
power tools;
pneumatic tools and much more.
The store offers a large selection of products from this manufacturer at optimal prices. The site is a distributor on an official basis, so democratic prices and wholesale prevail. It is easy to meet the needs of customers from different regions of the Baltic States thanks to a spacious warehouse, which can accommodate many products from the supplier.