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The brand appeared in the lighting equipment market relatively recently, but the company has gained popularity during this time. The range has more than 400 items, so finding a variant to suit your taste and purse is not difficult. The product interest is maintained due to the high quality of goods and affordable cost.

Lighting and light electrical equipment from THORGEON wholesale and retail on  

Buying lighting equipment from a brand is always the right decision. Before launching the project, the company conducted market research and created excellent products. The managers’position themselves as a little-known manufacturer who could offer luxury quality goods.

You can purchase reliable equipment in the Baltic States on the   website. The catalog of offers includes, but is not limited to:

  • Reflector Lamp 10W G4 MR11 12V;

  • Halogen Lamp CERAM CR-T 150W B15d T13 2780Lm h84mm;

  • LED Bulb 1W G45 240V 50Lm 2700K PC warm white;

  • Special Standard Lamp 375W E27 R125 Infrared Industrial Heat Incandescent ;

  • Spuldze MHS E40 250W/645 05008.

Choosing Thorgeon lighting is easy. The range has dozens of offers, and the official distributor provides optimal prices. In addition, the catalog includes several color solutions for lamps, which are used to illuminate rooms and spaces.

How to order lamps, bulbs, and other Thorgeon products at   in bulk and get a personalized discount?

The advantage of cooperation with an official distributor is getting a personalized discount. Offers apply to the entire range of products. You can use the discount within the allotted period, and a personal manager will provide information about the details.

Search for equipment is carried out using a system of filters by category and manufacturer. There is also an option to sort the offers according to the specified criteria. You need to register an account to access all features and benefits.

The employees of   check the information provided in the application form. After that, a new customer enjoys unique discounts. Regular customers keep the paid orders in the warehouse with an area of 5,000 square meters. Deferred payments are available to customers who reorder equipment in bulk.

During a consultation, you can learn more about available products, promotions, and ways to save money. Specialists will help you choose a practical solution for your tasks. Save time to get the desired products delivered as soon as possible.