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Adhesive film for radio transmitter 80KLEFO image 1

Adhesive film for radio transmitter 80KLEFO

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
4,60 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4011377053038
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Adhesive film for radio transmitter 80KLEFO
Brand Jung
Categories Accessories (switches & sockets)
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Colour Other
Model Sticker
RAL-number (similar) 0
Transparent -
With tangible imprint No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4011377053038



Kleeffolie v.radiografische wandzender

Sparepart for

Sparepart for
4011377191532 4011377213340 4011377213371 4011377191518 4011377213364 4011377213463 4011377213487 4011377191549 4011377213500 4011377213470 4011377191525 4011377213494 4011377213418 4011377213531 4011377213425 4011377213548 4011377213388 4011377213395 4011377213449 4011377191570 4011377213432 4011377213517 4011377191556 4011377213524 4011377191587 4011377213579 4011377213562 4011377191563 4011377149663 4011377149229 4011377149694 4011377149731 4011377052222 4011377052185 4011377052246 4011377052260 4011377129870 4011377205383 4011377203891 4011377052239 4011377052208 4011377129849 4011377052277 4011377052291 4011377052307 4011377205390 4011377129894 4011377052284 4011377203914 4011377052215 4011377203884 4011377205376 4011377052192 4011377052314 4011377052376 4011377052352 4011377129931 4011377052383 4011377205413 4011377052369 4011377203938 4011377052338 4011377129917 4011377052420 4011377052390 4011377129962 4011377052437 4011377205420 4011377203945 4011377052413 4011377052680 4011377052710 4011377129986 4011377052727 4011377205437 4011377052697 4011377203969 4011377052345 4011377205406 4011377203921 4011377052321 4011377053069 4011377053083 4011377053113 4011377053137 4011377053151 4011377053175 4011377053199 4011377053090 4011377053076 4011377053120 4011377053168 4011377053144 4011377053182 4011377053212 4011377052826 4011377052833 4011377052840 4011377205468 4011377052819 4011377203990 4011377052918 4011377052864 4011377052932 4011377054882 4011377205482 4011377052925 4011377052888 4011377204010 4011377052970 4011377052956 4011377052987 4011377205499 4011377204027 4011377052963 4011377053052 4011377053014 4011377053021 4011377205505 4011377053007 4011377204034 4011377052994 4011377205475 4011377052871 4011377204003 4011377213586 4011377213623 4011377213661 4011377213647 4011377213616 4011377213593 4011377213630 4011377213760 4011377213746 4011377213678 4011377213692 4011377213739 4011377213715 4011377213685 4011377191488 4011377213722 4011377191501 4011377149236 4011377149670 4011377149717 4011377149748