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DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V image 1
DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V image 2
DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V thumbnail 1
DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V thumbnail 2

DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
244,27 € per pcs
This price is valid until 31.01.25
EAN: 4012196463831
MPN: 5093998
Box: 1
Pallet: 4200

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name DS-N-6 M/W Protective device for high-frequency cables 70V
Brand OBO Bettermann
Categories Lighting protection
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8536 3010 00
Mounting method Connector/cable adapter
Connection 1 N-Connector
Frequency 0-6000 MHz
With remote signalling contact No
Limiting frequency 6000 MHz
Explosion-tested version No
Max. continuous voltage AC 50 V
Nominal discharge surge current (8/20) 10 kA
Nominal load current 10 A
Voltage protection level core/core 750 V
Voltage protection level core/earth 750 V
Max. continuous voltage DC 70 V
Degree of protection (IP) Other
Voltage protection level core/signal ground NA V
Voltage protection level signal ground/protective ground NA V
Nominal voltage AC NA V
Nominal voltage DC NA V
Pro-active thermo-control No
Signal disconnection -

Packing details

Packing level 1 4012196464227
Packing level 2 4012196464616
Packing level 3 4012197071011



Koaksiālās datu kabeļu aizsargierīces raidīšanas un uztveršanas tehnikai • Ar N savienotāju – spraudni/ligzdu • Augsta pieļaujamā impulsstrāvas slodze 2,5 kA (10/350) • Vienkārša montāža (adaptera spraudnis), m = spraudnis / w = ligzda • Zems aizsardzības līmenis pie lielas strāvas slodzes • Optimāla datu pārsūtīšana: - neliela reflekcijas reakcija - optimizēts joslas platums drošai datu pārsūtīšanai līdz 6 GHz • Pieejams 50 Ω tehnikā Lietojums: piem., SAT-TV C-Band, WiMAX, WLAN pielietojumi, DVB-T2