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Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp image 1
Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp image 2
Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp thumbnail 1
Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp thumbnail 2

Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
118,99 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4050118309195
MPN: 1500970000
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Insert (crimping tool), Hexagonal crimp
Brand Weidmüller
Categories Automatics and control
Tools (press, cut and isolate)
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8207 3090 00
Application Other
Compression shape Hexagon

Packing details

Packing level 1 4050118309195


Crimp insert for crimping tools.


Suitable for

4050118303148 4050118303179 4050118303513 4050118303858 4050118303827 4050118303872 4050118303865 4050118303902 4050118304251 4050118304442 4050118304275 4050118304381 4050118304114 4050118304404 4050118304619 4050118305197 4050118305562 4050118305364 4050118305456 4050118305470 4050118305449 4050118305647 4050118305517 4050118305388 4050118305425 4050118305494 4050118305654 4050118305630 4050118305876 4050118306231 4050118305593 4050118305715 4050118305937 4050118306101 4050118305760 4050118306040 4050118305975 4050118305784 4050118305814 4050118306163 4050118305883 4050118305746 4050118305722 4050118306149 4050118306064 4050118306200 4050118306668 4050118306972 4050118306989 4050118307108 4050118306699 4050118307078 4050118306675 4050118307115 4050118307412 4050118307528 4050118307504 4050118307443 4050118307535 4050118307566 4050118307559 4050118307375 4050118307474 4050118307597 4050118308006 4050118308105 4050118308013 4050118307948 4050118309317
Suitable for
4050118003901 4050118003918 4050118240573 4050118240801 4050118302592 4050118302769 4050118302646 4050118302684 4050118302783 4050118302691 4050118302868 4050118303049 4050118303216 4050118302844 4050118303148 4050118303179 4050118303513 4050118303827 4050118303858 4050118303872 4050118303865 4050118303902 4050118304251 4050118304442 4050118304275 4050118304381 4050118304114 4050118304404 4050118304619 4050118304961 4050118305197 4050118305562 4050118305364 4050118305456 4050118305470 4050118305449 4050118305647 4050118305517 4050118305388 4050118305425 4050118305494 4050118305654 4050118305630 4050118305876 4050118306231 4050118305593 4050118305715 4050118305937 4050118306101 4050118305760 4050118306040 4050118305784 4050118305975 4050118305814 4050118306163 4050118305883 4050118305746 4050118306149 4050118306064 4050118305722 4050118306200 4050118306651 4050118306668 4050118306972 4050118306989 4050118307108 4050118306699 4050118307078 4050118306675 4050118307115 4050118307412 4050118307528 4050118307504 4050118307535 4050118307443 4050118307566 4050118307559 4050118307375 4050118307474 4050118307597 4050118308006 4050118308105 4050118308013 4050118307948 4050118309317 4050118528466 4050118528480 4050118528503 4050118528527 4050118802924 4050118803013 4050118803037