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FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi image 1
FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi image 2
FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi thumbnail 1
FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi thumbnail 2

FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi

In stock: No Vendor stock: Yes Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
107,71 € per pcs
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 6410070607131
MPN: 2TKA002115G1
Package: 1

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name FEH2100 Leak Guard White - Jussi
Brand ABB
Categories Automatics and control

Packing details

Packing level 1 6410070607131


The Leak Guard unit operates as the standard Control Unit FEH1001, with the exception that the loop monitors leakage current (10 µA). Tape sensors, conduit pairs or other leakage sensors could be connected to the device. Memory/no memory function. Potential free output. Cancelling button with LED. Operating voltage: 9.5 - 28 V ac / 9.5 - 35 V dc. Current consumption: 75 mA ac / 40 mA dc. Good marking possibilities on the button and name plate.