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TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge image 1
TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge image 2
TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge image 3
TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge thumbnail 1
TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge thumbnail 2
TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge thumbnail 3

TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
72,72 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4055626042190
MPN: 0803380
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name TMP-RIBBON 110 GN 100 - Ink ribbon cartridge
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Tools, measuring instruments and protection
Country of origin FR
Harmonized System Code 9612 1010 00
Model Other
Format (size) Other

Packing details

Packing level 1 4055626042190, 4055626042190


Ink ribbon cartridge, for THERMOMARK PRIME for printing product groups US(2)-TM(F)..., US-TM(F)L..., US-WMTB..., US-EML..., US-EML(S)P..., US-EMLP-HA..., US-EM(S)P..., US-EML-RS..., width: 110 mm, color: green

Suitable for

Suitable for
4055626173344 4055626173382 4055626173351 4055626173368 4055626173375 4055626283692 4055626283685 4055626283708 4055626326917 4055626326924 4055626326931 4046356559911 4046356559874 4046356559898 4046356558419 4046356558440 4046356558501 4046356558532 4046356558563 4046356558624 4046356558686 4046356559652 4046356559683 4046356559713 4046356558471 4046356558594 4046356558655 4046356558747 4046356558891 4046356558716 4046356558723 4046356558730 4046356558839 4046356558860 4046356558921 4046356558952 4046356558983 4046356559041 4046356559072 4046356559133 4046356559171 4046356559010 4046356559102 4046356559164 4046356558426 4046356558433 4046356558464 4046356558518 4046356558525 4046356558549 4046356558556 4046356558457 4046356558488 4046356558495 4046356558570 4046356558587 4046356558600 4046356558617 4046356558631 4046356558648 4046356558662 4046356558679 4046356558693 4046356558709 4046356558754 4046356558761 4046356558778 4046356558785 4046356558808 4046356558822 4046356558853 4046356558792 4046356558815 4046356558846 4046356558877 4046356558945 4046356558969 4046356558976 4046356559003 4046356559027 4046356558884 4046356558938 4046356558907 4046356558914 4046356558990 4046356559034 4046356559058 4046356559119 4046356559140 4046356559188 4046356559195 4046356559089 4046356559096 4046356559126 4046356559157 4046356559201 4046356559218 4046356559706 4046356559720 4046356559669 4046356559676 4046356559690 4046356559737 4046356559928 4046356559881 4046356559904 4046356559591 4046356559584 4046356559577 4046356613293 4046356613309 4046356613286 4046356613316 4046356613330 4046356613415 4046356613347 4046356613354 4046356613361 4046356613392 4046356613385 4046356613408 4046356559065 4046356562249 4046356562232 4046356562218 4046356562225 4046356562263 4046356562256 4046356613651 4046356613668 4046356613644 4046356715522 4046356715706 4046356715560 4046356715157 4046356715232 4046356715270 4046356715287 4046356715294 4046356715676 4046356715683 4046356715690 4046356715713 4046356715744 4046356715195 4046356715119 4046356715720 4046356715737 4046356715751 4046356715133 4046356715140 4046356715164 4046356715768 4046356715126 4046356715775 4046356715188 4046356715201 4046356715225 4046356715249 4046356715263 4046356708180 4046356708197 4046356702157 4046356708234 4046356708210 4046356715171 4046356715218 4046356715256 4046356708227 4046356708203 4046356715539 4046356715546 4046356715553 4046356752572 4046356752565 4046356752558 4046356752589 4046356894197 4046356894210 4046356894791 4046356894203 4046356894227 4046356949583 4046356949590 4046356949637 4046356913515 4046356949606 4046356949613 4046356949620 4055626898339 4055626899404 4055626898759 4055626898452 4055626041834 4046356606325 4046356606349 4046356606332 4046356606363 4046356606356 4046356606981 4046356606974 4046356606998 4046356856324 4046356881272 4046356906210 4055626020679