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STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers image 1
STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers image 2
STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers image 3
STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers thumbnail 1
STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers thumbnail 2
STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers thumbnail 3

STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 100
Price (excl. VAT):
0,49 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 49,00 € MOQ: 100
EAN: 4017918878436
MPN: 3037643
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name STP 5-2-ZB - Marker carriers
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Mounting materials
Country of origin PL
Harmonized System Code 3926 9097 00
Mounting method Plug-in
Colour Grey
Width 5 mm
Imprint None
Type Medium-walled
Length 24.9 mm
Material Other
With label space No
Transparent No
Fluorescent No
Toothing None

Packing details

Packing level 1 4017918878436, 4017918878436


Double marker carrier, snaps onto the spring-cage terminal blocks ST 2.5..., labeled with ZB 5 or ZBF 5


Suitable for

Suitable for
4055626569741 4055626570327 4055626570112 4055626570228 4055626569147 4055626570600 4017918015473 4055626667225 4055626789002 4055626809977 4055626918501 4063151000301 4063151005177 4063151005856 4063151207458 4063151208011 4063151336202 4063151336219 4063151569105 4046356866200 4017918932411 4017918932435 4017918932480 4017918932466 4046356898546 4046356898539 4046356898522 4017918976057 4046356057653 4046356681797 4046356681810 4046356681803 4046356681827 4046356802079 4046356802093 4046356802086 4055626057231 4055626057248 4055626057255 4046356329781 4046356329798 4046356329811 4055626062877 4046356329828 4055626119045 4046356329835 4046356670449 4046356329859 4055626062860 4046356680547 4055626064444 4055626064437 4046356329842 4046356329804 4046356329866 4046356707589 4055626355306 4046356330084 4046356649186 4055626076508 4046356739924 4046356739931 4046356330091 4046356330077 4046356333382 4046356752077 4046356752084 4046356333399 4055626080840 4046356649803 4046356752060 4046356333405 4046356333436 4046356897808 4046356333412 4046356333429 4046356333597 4046356693714 4046356693707 4046356333603 4046356693745 4046356731331 4046356866194 4046356333610 4055626039824 4055626039800 4046356693691 4046356693721 4046356693738 4046356333566 4046356693950 4046356333573 4046356330107 4046356333580 4055626340111 4046356334563 4046356335874 4046356334495 4046356913805 4046356335881 4046356334501 4046356693967 4046356334549 4046356334532 4046356693974 4046356334556 4046356951616 4055626004082 4055626004402 4055626004426 4055626004419 4055626004433 4055626004068 4055626004075 4055626004099 4055626004457 4055626004488 4055626004464 4055626004471 4046356450782 4046356504089 4055626170541 4055626279985 4046356450799 4055626279992 4055626280202 4055626280219 4046356446501 4046356446518 4046356446495 4046356499484 4046356499491 4046356499507 4046356499514 4046356499521 4046356499538 4046356499545 4046356866217 4046356499552 4046356499569 4046356514842 4046356516389 4046356653176 4046356582186 4046356556132 4046356959919 4046356959933 4046356959940 4046356959957 4046356959926 4046356961172 4046356960595 4046356960601 4046356997478 4046356997485 4017918096137