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NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted image 1
NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted image 2
NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted thumbnail 1
NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted thumbnail 2

NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
4,40 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4024163249386
MPN: 1004788
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name NUMINOS S Diffusor Frosted W LED IP20 frosted
Brand SLV
Categories Luminaire accessories
Country of origin CN
Colour White
Width 0 mm
Beam angle 0 °
Type of accessory/spare part Dimming/screen
Diameter 40 mm
Length 0 mm
Height/depth 2 mm
Material Plastic
Kind of cover None
Light outlet Direct
Light sharing Symmetric
Grid perforated No
Reflector perforated No
Design of the grid/reflector None
Light distributor None

Packing details

Packing level 1 4024163249386



Do you want to put together individual solutions from a variety of downlights, wattages, luminous intensities and colours, semi-diffuse angles and other features? And with a uniform lighting and design concept? The NUMINOS® lighting system, which can be freely configured and combined, offers over a thousand possibilities. Like this frosted diffuser, which creates a more diffuse and softer light. When will you choose SLV's modular variety?

Suitable for

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