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Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI image 1
Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI image 2
Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI thumbnail 1
Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI thumbnail 2

Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
59,65 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4017332103190
MPN: 210-251
Package: 1
Box: 20
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection MCS MI
Brand WAGO
Categories Cable caps and connectors, clamps
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8205 5980 00
Type of accessory/spare part Other

Packing details

Packing level 1 4017332103190
Packing level 2 4017332103190


Operating tool for MCS MICRO & MINI with CAGE CLAMP® connection yellow

Suitable for

Suitable for
4045454215590 4045454215613 4045454215620 4045454215637 4045454215644 4045454215651 4045454215668 4045454215682 4050821111924 4044918849524 4044918849531 4044918849555 4044918849548 4044918849562 4044918849593 4050821079019 4044918849586 4044918849609 4044918849623 4044918849845 4044918849791 4044918849678 4044918849579 4044918849883 4045454163655 4050821373452 4044918849975 4050821411512 4050821373469 4044918492478 4044918492294 4044918492874 4044918492416 4044918493017 4044918493055 4044918493093 4044918493451 4044918493659 4044918493536 4044918493680 4044918493888 4044918495417 4044918493901 4044918495523 4044918494007 4044918495608 4044918494373 4044918494458 4044918494632 4044918494793 4044918493031 4044918495011 4044918493208 4044918495196 4044918493727 4044918495257 4044918495387 4044918495424 4044918493925 4044918493987 4044918495578 4044918495646 4044918494380 4044918494465 4044918494915 4044918494816 4044918495080 4045454704612 4045454683399 4045454683429 4045454683450 4045454683511 4045454758646 4045454618957 4045454618964 4045454758653 4045454618988 4045454618971 4045454618995 4045454758684 4045454758707 4045454930653 4045454930677 4045454930684 4045454930691 4045454930707 4045454930714 4045454930745 4045454930769 4045454930790 4045454930806 4044918494090 4044918494106 4044918494120 4044918494151 4044918494168 4044918494175 4044918497527 4044918494205 4044918494243 4044918494250 4044918497749 4044918497152 4044918497251 4044918497336 4044918497398 4044918497435 4044918497497 4044918497558 4044918497664 4044918497725 4050821345589 4044918497794 4045454696306 4045454696313 4045454696320 4045454696337 4045454696344 4045454696368 4055143280235 4055143280228 4045454696375 4055143274616 4045454696382 4055143280242 4055143274609 4045454719876 4045454719883 4055143280259 4055143280280 4055143295857 4055143295970 4055143293556 4055143293549 4055143293563 4055143293570 4055143293587 4055143293594 4055143293600 4055143293617 4055143293907 4055143293914 4055143293921 4055143293945 4055143293938 4055143293952 4055143293969 4055143293976 4055143293990 4055143284646 4055143284868 4055143284653 4055143284875 4055143284899 4055143284882 4055143285483 4055143285421 4055143285476 4055143285414 4055143285469 4055143285452 4055143285391 4055143285384 4055143285445 4055143285377 4055143285438 4055143294225 4055143294195 4055143294232 4055143294201 4055143294249 4055143294218 4055143294263 4055143294256 4055143295499 4055143281980 4055143282000 4055143281973 4055143281959 4055143283038 4055143283045 4055143281942 4055143281928 4055143283052 4055143284530 4055143284585 4055143284516 4055143284578 4055143285360 4055143284509 4055143284592 4055143284561 4055143284608 4055143284554 4055143284363 4055143383752 4055143383769 4055143280310 4055143280327 4055143280334 4055143280341 4055143280358 4055143280365 4055143280372 4055143280389 4055143280396 4055143280402 4055143280433 4055143280440 4055143383738 4055143280464 4055143383745 4055143296083 4055143296786 4055143296793 4055143296106 4055143296090 4055143296113 4055143296212 4055143296229 4055143296809 4055143296236 4055143296816 4055143296823 4055143283069 4055143282017 4055143283076 4055143283083 4055143383721 4055143383714 4055143282024 4044918513470 4044918513494 4044918513517 4044918513555 4044918513586 4044918513609 4044918513647 4044918513623 4044918513661 4045454899011 4044918513685 4044918514583 4044918937252 4044918513708 4044918514620 4044918514644 4044918513722 4044918514507 4044918946964 4055143266413 4055143266444 4055143265324 4055143269070 4055143268981 4055143268974 4055143268998 4055143269001 4055143269018 4055143269032 4055143280655 4055143280662 4055143280679 4055143280686 4055143280693 4055143280709 4055143280716 4055143280730 4055143280747 4055143280754 4055143280778 4055143280785 4055143280792 4055143280808 4055143280815 4055143280846 4055143280853 4044918513807 4044918513852 4044918513821 4044918513876 4044918513890 4044918513913 4044918516372 4044918513937 4044918513951 4044918513975 4044918516433 4055143544436 4050821687146 4050821687153 4044918516464 4055143268813 4055143268936 4055143268899 4055143269025 4055143269056 4055143544399 4055143269049 4055143759267 4055143269063 4055143280860 4055143280877 4055143280884 4055143280891 4055143280907 4055143280914 4055143280921 4055143280938 4055143280952 4055143280969 4055143544405 4055143280976 4055143280983 4055143280990 4055143280648