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SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver image 1
SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver image 2
SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver image 3
SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver thumbnail 1
SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver thumbnail 2
SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver thumbnail 3

SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
12,21 € per pcs
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 4017918170929
MPN: 1206463
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name SZK PZ2 VDE - Screwdriver
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Automatics and control
Hand tools
Country of origin CZ
Harmonized System Code 8205 4000 00
Insulated Yes
Weight 0 g
Total length 0 mm
Antimagnetic No
Isolation protection 1000 V Yes
Blade length 0 mm
Clamp feature No
Precision model Yes
Low spark model No
Grip design 2-components
Blade diameter 0 mm
Wrench width (hexagon drive) 0 mm
Wrench width (square drive) 0 mm

Packing details

Packing level 1 4017918170929, 4017918170929



Suitable for

Suitable for
4063151042288 4063151043513 4063151043902 4063151130312 4063151130329 4063151102197 4063151220778 4063151257934 4063151257446 4063151257460 4063151257842 4063151258306 4063151258009 4063151256593 4063151257453 4063151258108 4063151256869 4063151257095 4063151257958 4063151257941 4063151366582 4063151257477 4063151256494 4063151258122 4063151258504 4063151258221 4063151257484 4063151258412 4063151257859 4063151257491 4063151256876 4063151478032 4063151476762 4063151524258 4063151524531 4063151522988 4063151522971 4063151524913 4063151524265 4063151722937 4063151722821 4046356958127 4046356958110 4046356958103 4055626314822 4055626314839 4063151806750 4046356553520 4046356553513 4046356553483 4046356553490 4046356553506 4046356553728 4046356553537 4046356553667 4046356553681 4046356553674 4046356553698 4046356553704 4046356553735 4046356553711 4046356553742 4046356553766 4046356553568 4046356553599 4046356553551 4046356553605 4046356553759 4046356553773 4046356553575 4046356553544 4046356553636 4046356553643 4046356553650 4046356553155 4046356553162 4046356553384 4046356553414 4046356553612 4046356553629 4046356553391 4046356553421 4046356553445 4046356553438 4046356553452 4046356482202 4046356790840 4046356790857 4055626020310 4055626020327 4055626020341 4055626020365 4055626020372 4055626020389 4055626020396 4055626020402 4055626020419 4055626020426 4055626020334 4055626020358 4055626308371 4055626308388 4055626308395 4055626309606 4055626309613 4055626309620 4055626326009 4055626325996 4055626326016 4055626326023 4046356482394 4046356482400 4063151524906 4063151524746