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Solid state relay with output protection image 1

Solid state relay with output protection

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
43,95 €
This price is valid until 28.02.25
EAN: 8000000074232
Package: 5

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Solid state relay with output protection
Brand Cabur
Categories Relays

Packing details

Packing level 1 8000000074232


Moduli a relè a stato solido slim Tensione di ingresso: 5...24Vdc(5...32Vdc) Tensione di uscita: 5...24Vdc(5...32Vdc) Corrente nominale permanente: 5 A / 24 Vdc @ 55°C; 8 A / 24 Vdc @ 45°C Corrente massima: 24 A / 100 ms @ 25°C Protezione interna: elettronica contro corto circuito, sovraccarico, sovratemperatura/ diodo soppressore