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Bolting tool, Bolting tool image 1
Bolting tool, Bolting tool image 2
Bolting tool, Bolting tool thumbnail 1
Bolting tool, Bolting tool thumbnail 2

Bolting tool, Bolting tool

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
284,12 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4032248436859
MPN: 1920000000
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Bolting tool, Bolting tool
Brand Weidmüller
Categories Automatics and control
Hand tools
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8205 4000 00
Heating- + sanitary mechanic set No
Electrician set Yes
Number of guiding drills 0
Number of fork spanners 0
Number of wood borers 0
Number of HSS spiral drills 0
Number of cable cutters 0
Number of coaxial tools 0
Number of crosshead screwdrivers PH 0
Number of crosshead screwdrivers PZ 0
Number of hole saws 0
Number of finishing tools fibre optic cable 0
Number of hole edge core drills 0
Number of ring spanners 0
Number of slotted screwdrivers 0
Number of socket inserts 0
Number of socket spanners 0
Number of open-end spanners 0
Number of stone drills 0
Number of step drills 0
Number of Torx screwdrivers 0
Number of files 0
Number of measuring tools 0
Number of pliers 0
Number of combination spanners 0
Number of hexagonal keys 0
Number of adjustable wrenches 0
Number of bit inserts 0
Number of testing tools 0
Number of ratchets 0
Number of tommy bars 0
Number of chisels and punches 0
Number of hammers 0
Number of multifunctional tools 0
Number of saws 0

Packing details

Packing level 1 4032248436859


A screw connection tool is ideally suited for screwing all common sensor and actuator cables. It makes difficult to access round plug-in connectors easy to reach. Plug-in connectors can be easily loosened and tightened without any great effort simply by turning.

Suitable for

Suitable for
4050118514537 4050118350814 4032248800803 4050118350838 4032248800919 4050118355291 4050118044607 4050118514575 4050118514599 4032248800926 4050118044584 4050118044546 4050118044621 4064675063414 4050118119510 4032248779703 4050118650686 4032248779697 4050118378597 4032248775699 4050118753493 4032248775705 4032248750573 4050118323580 4050118323597 4032248750580 4032248750597 4050118622973 4032248775682 4032248830855 4032248776054 4032248830862 4050118579789 4032248776061 4032248775675 4050118059595 4050118579840 4050118059564 4050118619867 4032248776078 4050118059588 4050118059557 4032248750610 4050118705027 4032248750627 4032248750634 4050118295269 4032248897025 4032248776573 4050118005288 4032248776474 4032248779062 4050118080155 4032248779079 4050118116731 4032248776580 4050118059618 4032248776597 4050118034745 4050118351811 4064675022442 4050118185300 4032248792320 4032248798889 4032248903931 4050118000351 4050118000368 4032248806393 4050118561562 4032248806409 4032248806614 4032248806621 4050118477870 4050118807899 4050118346855 4032248806638 4032248806645 4032248806652 4032248806669 4032248806805 4032248808021 4050118656329 4032248808038 4032248808045 4050118656336 4032248808052 4050118323566 4050118323573 4050118324198 4050118848687 4050118848694 4050118849271 4050118849219 4050118849202 4032248988372 4050118205305 4032248808137 4032248808144 4032248808151 4032248808168 4050118440638 4032248988389 4032248993116 4032248808311 4032248808328 4050118245684 4032248808335 4032248808342 4050118321173 4050118171655 4050118321289 4032248808618 4032248808625 4032248808632 4032248808656 4032248808670 4032248808694 4032248808687 4032248808724 4032248808700 4032248808731 4032248808748 4032248808755 4032248826827 4032248826834 4032248826841 4032248826858 4032248950478 4032248957330 4032248970933 4050118350760 4050118350784 4050118214734 4050118357325 4050118350883 4050118350869 4050118357509 4050118514513 4050118703528 4050118023909 4050118023794 4050118024036 4050118023947 4050118629835 4050118023923 4050118019513 4050118045192 4050118045185 4050118045635 4050118045628 4050118626803 4050118626797 4050118626810 4050118623925 4050118045543 4050118626827 4050118624830 4050118055702 4050118055634 4050118055641 4050118056532 4050118127775 4050118127782 4050118194043 4050118202519 4050118202526 4050118702804 4050118226218 4050118226249 4050118226287 4050118226294 4050118226256 4050118233070 4050118231915 4050118250060 4050118312324 4050118312348 4050118323788 4050118323795 4008190949730 4032248003112 4032248184477 4008190949747 4032248003129 4032248184484 4008190949761 4032248003136 4032248184491 4032248184521 4008190949778 4032248184446 4032248147892 4032248184538 4008190949792 4032248147908 4032248184453 4008190949808 4032248148219 4032248184460 4032248184569 4032248002429 4032248586219 4032248184583 4008190960360 4032248341818 4032248298938 4032248148226 4032248592364 4032248269198 4008190200466 4032248220274 4008190200473 4008190200480 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