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Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange image 1
Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange image 2
Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange image 3
Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange thumbnail 1
Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange thumbnail 2
Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange thumbnail 3

Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 25
Price (excl. VAT):
0,79 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 19,75 € MOQ: 25
EAN: 4017332241328
MPN: 209-191
Package: 1
Box: 25
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange
Brand WAGO
Categories Cable caps and connectors, clamps
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Colour Orange
Thickness 3 mm
Inflammability class of insulation material according to with UL94 V0
Snap in Yes
End plate model No
Partition model No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4017332241328
Packing level 2 4017332241328
Packing level 3 4017332241328


Separator for Ex e/Ex i applications 3 mm thick 120 mm wide orange

Suitable for

Suitable for
4045454966898 4045454966928 4045454966959 4045454966935 4045454966942 4045454966966 4045454966973 4017332997287 4017332997300 4045454537364 4017332997294 4045454537371 4045454537388 4017332998628 4017332998642 4045454397487 4017332998635 4045454537395 4045454537401 4017332998666 4017332998680 4017332998673 4045454537418 4045454537425 4045454537432 4066966257335 4066966257052 4066966256895 4017332999168 4017332999182 4044918081375 4017332999175 4044918081399 4044918081412 4017332999229 4017332999267 4044918081498 4017332999243 4044918081511 4044918081535 4017332999281 4017332999298 4044918081559 4017332999304 4044918081566 4044918081573 4045454974633 4045454974664 4050821707486 4045454974671 4045454974688 4017332071055 4017332010986 4045454290641 4017332071086 4045454537449 4045454537456 4017332071406 4045454537463 4017332071536 4017332071550 4045454537470 4045454537487 4017332071758 4017332071802 4017332071826 4045454537494 4045454537500 4045454537517 4017332999649 4017332999663 4045454290672 4017332999656 4017332999687 4066966203387 4017332999700 4017332999694 4055143824316 4066966203394 4017332076005 4017332076111 4055144053951 4017332076166 4050821809227 4055143645911 4055143645898 4017332011341 4055144053906 4017332076197 4017332076234 4050821514763 4055143645881 4055143645386 4017332076494 4055143645393 4055144060164 4017332076555 4055143786003 4017332076647 4017332076715 4055144060171 4017332076722 4050821378365 4017332076739 4055144043303 4050821378372 4050821378389 4055143691543 4055143691581 4055143691611 4055143691628 4055143691734 4055143691635 4055143695152 4055143694667 4066966257342 4055143696791 4055143919036 4055143696814 4066966257236 4055143696852 4055143696876 4066966257243 4055143848497 4055143713566 4055143822091 4066966267525 4055143824934 4066966267372 4055143999632 4066966267556 4055143713795 4055143713832 4055143999625 4055143999106 4055143999717 4055143999618 4066966267549 4066966267389 4055143713870 4055143713894 4066966267532 4055143852074 4055143852081 4066966266443 4066966267396 4055143999502 4055143907576 4055143907644 4055143961974 4055143961905 4055143961899 4055143902649 4055143974868 4055143974851 4055143711494 4055143962117 4055143711470 4066966268423 4066966267792 4066966268508 4066966268270 4066966268454 4066966268348 4055143711432 4055143711418 4066966267785 4066966268263 4066966268478 4066966268461 4066966266344 4055143711371 4055143711357 4066966268447 4066966268287 4066966268096 4066966268089 4066966268430 4055143712026 4066966268379 4055143712040 4055143712088 4055143712101 4055143735698 4055143736077 4055143736114 4055143736121 4055143732727 4055143732734 4055143732789 4055143732796 4044918964920 4044918989978 4044918964944 4045454600273 4045454600266 4044918964890 4045454600280 4044918989947 4045454600297 4044918964906 4045454600310 4045454600303 4045454966829 4045454966904 4045454966980 4017332998659 4017332997317 4055143616973 4017332999212 4017332999311 4017332999274 4050821707516 4050821089025 4017332071345 4017332071604 4017332071833 4017332999670 4017332999717 4017332076180 4017332076340 4017332077200 4017332076654 4055143691604 4055143692007 4055143692014 4055143696838 4055143694674 4055143713856 4055143713580 4055143713917 4055143711456 4055143961998 4055143711395 4055143711333 4055143712064 4055143712125 4055143736084 4055143736138 4055143732765 4055143732802 4044918964913 4044918964968 4045454975289 4045454974800 4045454974831 4050821707554 4050821707530 4045454974855 4045454975272 4045454974862 4045454974879 4055143302777 4055143302760 4055143895477 4055143961271 4055143907637 4055143961141 4055143961288 4055143974929 4055143897723 4055143919128 4045454789985 4045454974732 4045454790042 4050821214298 4055143870429 4050821707639 4050821707608 4045454974763 4045454790103 4050821089032 4050821089155 4050821321798 4055143907910 4055143907934 4055143907750 4055143955904 4055143962124 4055143962131 4055143902731 4055143902779 4066966195132 4055143902915 4055143962001 4055143962148 4055143962377 4050821707523 4045454974787 4055143907729 4055143961134 4055143897716 4055143962391 4044918524629 4044918650526 4044918520560 4044918524735 4044918650588 4044918520683 4044918504287 4044918391870 4044918391412 4044918311427 4044918392037 4044918391474 4044918311496 4044918465328 4044918391061 4044918467834 4044918391450 4044918311168 4044918485111 4044918484930 4044918486453 4044918485180 4044918486675 4044918500630 4044918500746 4044918445887 4044918386173 4044918445924 4044918386203 4044918306874 4044918306898 4044918325912 4044918456982 4044918328043 4044918457170 4044918323901 4044918325400 4045454086114 4045454085094 4045454085292 4045454108144 4045454103699 4045454105907 4045454100261 4045454100919 4044918513579 4045454111106 4044918512619 4044918512152 4044918472371 4044918471909 4045454112042 4044918473255 4045454087197 4044918506571 4044918506540 4044918395717 4044918395700 4044918478380 4044918691680 4045454323677