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2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks image 1
2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks image 2
2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks thumbnail 1
2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks thumbnail 2

2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 25
Price (excl. VAT):
0,175 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 4,37 € MOQ: 25
EAN: 4044918614061
MPN: 2004-549
Package: 1
Box: 25
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name 2004-549 Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks
Brand WAGO
Categories Cable caps and connectors, clamps
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 3926 9097 00
Type of accessory/spare part Blind terminal
Accessory Yes
Spare part No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4044918614061
Packing level 2 4044918614061
Packing level 3 4044918614061


Spacer module; modular; e.g., for bridging commoned terminal blocks; gray


Suitable for

4055143297974 4055143297981 4055143298001 4055143297998 4055143247979 4017332542623 4017332639576 4017332624305 4017332639583 4055143696456 4017332639590 4017332639613 4017332639620 4017332639606 4044918805858 4045454001940 4045454001964 4045454001971 4045454001957 4045454001988 4045454001995 4045454002008 4045454002015
Suitable for
4045454537470 4045454537487 4017332071758 4017332071802 4017332071826 4045454537494 4045454537500 4045454537517 4055143992282 4055143992435 4055143992442 4055143992299 4055143992619 4055143992534 4055143992541 4055143992558 4055143711494 4055143711470 4066966268423 4066966267792 4066966268508 4066966268270 4066966268454 4066966268348 4055143711432 4055143711418 4066966267785 4066966268263 4066966268478 4066966268461 4066966266344 4055143711371 4055143711357 4066966268447 4066966268287 4066966268096 4066966268089 4066966268430 4066966268379 4017332071345 4017332071604 4017332071833 4055143992510 4055143992305 4055143992398 4055143992565 4055143711456 4055143711395 4055143711333 4045454719500 4050821230946 4050821230953 4050821230960 4050821230977 4050821230793 4050821230830 4044918975155