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SF-Z0064 - Color coding image 1
SF-Z0064 - Color coding image 2
SF-Z0064 - Color coding image 3
SF-Z0064 - Color coding thumbnail 1
SF-Z0064 - Color coding thumbnail 2
SF-Z0064 - Color coding thumbnail 3

SF-Z0064 - Color coding

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 50
Price (excl. VAT):
0,64 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 32,00 € MOQ: 50
EAN: 4046356832571
MPN: 1620585
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name SF-Z0064 - Color coding
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Accessories (Automatics & control)
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 3926 9097 00
Type of accessory/spare part Other
Accessory Yes
Spare part No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4046356832571


Color-coding, color: green

Suitable for

Suitable for
4046356253284 4046356253314 4046356253239 4046356253369 4046356253406 4046356182171 4046356253536 4046356253420 4046356253413 4046356253543 4046356253550 4046356253529 4046356253567 4046356253642 4046356253659 4046356253666 4046356182195 4046356253673 4046356253680 4046356253697 4046356253703 4046356253710 4046356253888 4046356253901 4046356253895 4046356253932 4046356253949 4046356182232 4046356253956 4046356253963 4046356253970 4046356253291 4046356253338 4046356253345 4046356253352 4046356253321 4046356253307 4046356182560 4046356253772 4046356253765 4046356253796 4046356253758 4046356253802 4046356253789 4046356253833 4046356253826 4046356584449 4046356584456 4046356584371 4046356584432 4046356584425 4046356584388 4046356584395 4046356584401 4046356584531 4046356584548 4046356584418 4046356584524 4046356584470 4046356584487 4046356584555 4046356584517 4046356584494 4046356584500 4046356936323 4046356936354 4046356936347 4046356936361 4046356939027 4046356936484 4046356936477 4046356936491 4046356936514 4046356936521 4046356936569 4046356936545 4046356936576 4046356936590 4046356936583 4046356936552 4046356936606 4046356936538 4046356936613 4046356936873 4046356936897 4046356936880 4046356936910 4046356936903 4046356936934 4046356936927 4046356936958 4046356936965 4046356936941 4046356936996 4046356936989 4046356937009 4046356936972 4046356937016 4046356937030 4046356937047 4046356937023 4046356937061 4046356937054 4055626011585 4055626011578 4055626011592 4055626011554 4055626011547 4055626011530 4055626011905 4055626011516 4055626011806 4055626011820 4055626011813 4055626011837 4055626011844 4055626011868 4055626011875 4055626011882 4055626011523 4055626011851 4055626011899 4055626289700 4055626289717 4055626289748 4055626289755 4055626289731 4055626289724 4046356968188