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Control and signal. transfo - 1 Ph - prim 230/400 V sec 115/230 V - 160 VA-screw image 1

Control and signal. transfo - 1 Ph - prim 230/400 V sec 115/230 V - 160 VA-screw

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
46,07 € per pcs
This price is valid until 30.04.25
EAN: 3245060442644
MPN: 044264
Package: 1
Pallet: 60
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): By request

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Control and signal. transfo - 1 Ph - prim 230/400 V sec 115/230 V - 160 VA-screw
Brand Legrand
Categories Power supply elements and devices, reactive power compensation
Country of origin FR
Harmonized System Code 8504 3180 00
Width 94 mm
Height 112 mm
Depth 113 mm
Modular version Yes
Degree of protection (IP) IP2X
Primary voltage 1 215 V
Primary voltage 2 230 V
Primary voltage 3 245 V
Suitable for mounting on PCB No
Ring core No
Built as energy saving transformer No
Built as safety transformer No
Built as isolating transformer Yes
Type of insulation material according to IEC 85 B
Short-circuit-proof No
Primary voltage 4 385 V
Primary voltage 5 400 V
Primary voltage 6 415 V
Relative short circuit voltage 6.94 %
Secondary voltage 1 115 V
Secondary voltage 2 230 V
Rated apparent power 160 VA

Packing details

Packing level 1 3245060442644, 3245060442644
Packing level 2 3414971986329

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