Detects smoke using the light-scattering principle and accordingly actuates an optical (red LED) and audible alarm (buzzer). The alarm is maintained as long as smoke is detected. A 9-V battery (LR61) supplies the smoke detector. The optical and audible alarm indicate a battery to be replaced or contamination of the smoke detector. A test button enables manual testing of the device's function in addition to an automatic self-test . Attention: being too close to the smoke detector when an alarm or test is actuated can lead to hearing damage!!! To enable the smoke detector to be integrated into the Eaton radio system, the adapter module (110770) must be inserted into the smoke detector to connect it with the binary 2x signal contact (265627) in mode 2. Use with the binary input 2x230VAC (265626) is NOT permissible!!! Attention: pay attention to correct wiring! Batteries are included in the shipment.