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ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm image 1
ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm image 2
ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm thumbnail 1
ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm thumbnail 2

ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 20
Price (excl. VAT):
1,45 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 29,00 € MOQ: 20
EAN: 4012196599431
MPN: 1362378
Package: 20
Box: 320
Pallet: 10240

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name ASG 732 36 FT Distance saddle with threaded connection M6 30-36mm
Brand OBO Bettermann
Categories Cable clamps
Country of origin HU
Harmonized System Code 7326 9060 00
Model Closed
UV resistant Yes
Halogen free Yes
Surface protection Hot-dip galvanized
Material quality Other
Material Steel
Type of fastening Thread connection
Number of cables/conduits 1
Diameter 30-36 mm
Nominal diameter 30 mm
Plastic sheathed No
With distance to the wall Yes
Suitable in fire resistance areas Yes

Packing details

Packing level 1 4012196604135
Packing level 2 4012196998821
Packing level 3 4012196998838



Distances apskava cauruļu un kabeļu montāžai pie sienām, griestiem un grīdām. Ar pašfiksējošo augšējo daļu. Stiprinājums ar pagalvi ar iekšējo vītni. Virsmas G un FT, sākot no apskavas izmēra 20, ir piemērotas montāžai ar naglotāju vai bultskrūvju triecienskrūvgriezi. Atļauts funkciju nodrošināšanai atbilstoši DIN 4102 12. daļai, funkciju nodrošināšanas klasei no E 30 līdz E 90.