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Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated image 1
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated image 2
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated image 3
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated image 4
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated thumbnail 1
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated thumbnail 2
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated thumbnail 3
Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated thumbnail 4

Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 250
Price (excl. VAT):
0,016 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 4,00 € MOQ: 250
EAN: 4017332277716
MPN: 216-109
Package: 1
Box: 250
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated
Brand WAGO
Categories Cable caps and connectors, clamps
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8536 9010 00
Sleeve length 12 mm
Insulated No
Halogen free Yes
Surface protection Tinned
Construction type Standard
Nominal cross section 10 mm²
For cables resistant to short circuit No
Reel/roll packaging No
Material Copper
With identification flag No
Material insulation Polyamide (PA)
AWG size 8

Packing details

Packing level 1 4017332277716
Packing level 2 4017332277716
Packing level 3 4017332277716


Ferrule Sleeve for 10 mm² / AWG 8 uninsulated electro-tin plated

Suitable for

Suitable for
4055143656993 4017332363822 4017332363815 4044918519922 4044918519960 4044918520034 4044918560757 4044918560788 4044918560832 4044918484671 4044918484718 4044918484756 4044918297615 4044918297875 4044918297776 4066966232110 4066966232042 4066966231861 4044918543637 4044918543699 4044918543668 4044918297899 4044918543712 4050821413134 4050821413141 4044918308229 4045454115357 4045454115333 4045454084769 4045454121167 4045454084790 4045454084561 4045454089290 4045454084554 4045454089139 4045454084547 4045454088675 4045454116101 4045454084578 4044918805971 4044918806022 4044918805995 4044918582384 4044918582407 4017332627313 4045454400576 4045454400583 4045454084752 4045454092795 4045454084738 4045454092764 4045454902650 4045454016975 4044918691451 4045454601874 4045454016999 4045454601898 4044918691475 4044918298360 4050821498889 4050821848998 4050821849001 4050821508076 4050821877660 4050821508113 4050821508281 4050821508298 4055144071092 4044918639620 4044918639668 4044918639682 4044918639705 4044918638746 4044918638821 4044918638845 4044918638876 4044918639903 4044918639002 4044918640381 4044918640497 4044918640596 4044918642514 4044918641234 4044918639552 4044918639583 4044918641197 4044918642002 4044918639156 4044918639729 4044918639767 4044918639781 4044918639804 4044918638890 4044918638937 4044918640060 4044918638951 4044918639132 4044918640152 4044918640169 4044918640176 4044918640183 4044918640190 4044918640213 4044918640220 4044918640237 4044918640244 4044918640251 4044918640268 4044918639293 4044918639309 4044918639316 4044918639330 4044918639347 4044918639354 4044918639361 4044918639385 4044918639378 4044918639392 4044918639408 4044918639910 4044918639927 4044918639934 4044918639941 4044918639958 4044918639965 4044918639972 4044918639989 4044918639996 4044918640008 4044918640015 4044918639026 4044918639033 4044918639040 4044918639071 4044918639057 4044918639064 4044918639088 4044918639095 4044918639118 4044918639125 4044918639101 4044918642323 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