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Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 1
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 2
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 3
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 4
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 5
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 6
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 7
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 8
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 9
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 10
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 11
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 12
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 13
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 14
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 15
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 16
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 17
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL image 18
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 1
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 2
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 3
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 4
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 5
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 6
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 7
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 8
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 9
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 10
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 11
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 12
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 13
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 14
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 15
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 16
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 17
Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL thumbnail 18

Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
334,39 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 0051712350525
MPN: BH-3145
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 1-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Fuse-block, high speed, 700 A, AC 1250 V, UL
Categories Fuses
Country of origin MX
Harmonized System Code 8536 9010 00

Packing details

Packing level 1 0051712350525




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Suitable for
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