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MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45 image 1
MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45 image 2
MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45 thumbnail 1
MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45 thumbnail 2

MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 50
Price (excl. VAT):
3,14 € per pcs
This price is valid until 31.01.25
Subtotal: 157,00 € MOQ: 50
EAN: 4012195674511
MPN: 7408680
Package: 1
Box: 5
Pallet: 6000

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name MT45V 3+1 Installation frame for 3f + 1f Modul 45
Brand OBO Bettermann
Categories Cable ladders and tracks
Harmonized System Code 8547 2000 00
Width NA mm
Depth NA mm
Number of appliances to build in NA
Number of conduit inlets NA
Length NA mm
Material Other
Number of strain relieves NA
Mounting method installation unit Snap

Packing details

Packing level 1 4012197299675
Packing level 2 4012195755760
Packing level 3 4012196402731
Packing level 4 4012197217914



Modul 45 kontaktligzdas montāžai kombinācijā "trīsvietīga un vienvietīga" sistēmas 55 ierīču montāžas modulī ar montāžas balstu Modul 45 ierīču vertikālai iebūvēšanai. Montāžas rāmis ir paredzēts izmantošanai kopā ar 0° kontaktligzdām ar taisnām kontaktdakšām (nevis leņķa kontaktdakšām).