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isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm image 1
isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm image 2
isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm thumbnail 1
isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm thumbnail 2

isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 100
Price (excl. VAT):
67,42 € per m
This price is valid until 31.01.25
Subtotal: 6 742,00 € MOQ: 100
EAN: 4012196591657
MPN: 5408018
Package: 100
Pallet: 400

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name isCon PR 90 SW Insulated down conductor 100 m cable reel ¨23mm
Brand OBO Bettermann
Categories Lighting protection
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8544 6010 00
Colour Black
Conductor cross section 35 mm²
Surface protection Untreated
Diameter conductor 23 mm
Suitable for EX-applications -
High-voltage-proof insulated model -
Max. equivalent separation distance s (solid building materials) 0.9 m
Outer diameter incl. sheat/cover 23 mm

Packing details

Packing level 1 4012196591770
Packing level 2 4012197079819



Datus par OBO isCon® Premium vada instalēšanu skatiet montāžas instrukcijā. • no augstsprieguma izolēts novadītājs • nerada slīdizlādi • pārbaudīts saskaņā ar IEC/EN 62561-1 (VDE 0185-561-1), izmantojot H2/200 kA • ekvivalenta atstarpe se ≤ 0,90 m (gaisā) un se ≤ 1,8 m (cietos būvmateriālos) • pārbaudīts saskaņā ar IEC TS 62561-8 (VDE V 0185-561-8) • nesatur halogēnus • ugunsslodze 4,2 kWh/m