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Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray image 1
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Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray image 3
Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray image 4
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Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray thumbnail 2
Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray thumbnail 3
Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray thumbnail 4

Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 25
Price (excl. VAT):
0,275 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 6,87 € MOQ: 25
EAN: 4044918506434
Package: 1
Box: 25
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Jumper for jumper slot 2-way light gray
Brand WAGO
Categories Relays
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8536 6990 00
Type of accessory/spare part Jumper comb
Accessory Yes
Spare part No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4044918506434
Packing level 2 4044918506434
Packing level 3 4044918506434


Jumper for jumper slot 2-way insulated light gray

Suitable for

Suitable for
4055143656467 4045454471576 4045454673505 4045454673482 4050821226758 4050821226864 4050821226895 4050821226888 4050821226871 4050821226826 4050821226819 4050821127130 4050821226802 4045454545864 4055143184168 4045454540753 4055143184175 4045454988586 4045454515126 4055143028363 4045454606916 4050821226796 4050821226901 4050821226857 4050821226833 4045454352103 4050821128731 4055143184106 4055143184113 4045454550363 4045454550356 4045454520663 4055143184120 4045454550370 4045454520670 4055143184137 4045454550387 4045454352158 4045454352165 4045454424121 4045454389505 4055143192347 4045454424145 4045454389512 4055143192378 4045454389529 4045454484804 4045454389536 4055143603522 4055143604253 4055143604239 4055143607629 4055143604376 4055143604468 4055143777148 4055143604598 4055143601054 4055143604215 4055143602716 4055143604406 4055143604420 4055143602587 4055143602600 4055143606769 4055143602662 4055143603089 4055143603102 4055143603119 4055143603508 4055143603980 4055143603874 4055143604123 4055143604147 4055143604161 4055143604185 4055143604604 4050821565673 4050821565703 4050821565710 4045454835491 4045454835507 4045454835514 4045454835545 4045454835538 4045454835521 4045454835569 4045454835552 4045454835484 4055143851176 4045454743864 4045454743871 4055143900058 4045454743888 4055143900263 4045454945961 4050821565680 4050821451587 4050821884651 4050821565697 4050821099826 4055143606462 4055143606240 4055143606271 4055143606431 4055143606479 4055143604802 4055143605359 4055143604987 4055143605328 4055143605397 4055143605427 4055143605458 4055143606158 4055143606165 4055143604673 4055143604697 4055143604727 4055143605021 4055143605038 4055143605465 4055143605472 4055143606127 4055143605489 4055143606141 4055143606424 4045454988593 4050821591771 4050821591801 4050821591788 4050821591764 4045454931049 4055143093729 4050821676966 4045454828509 4045454471293 4045454828493 4055144057850 4045454471309 4045454471224 4045454609863 4045454609870 4045454609856 4045454609849 4045454471330 4045454471316 4055143595476 4045454828479 4045454471323 4050821676997 4045454471354 4055143907323 4050821226734 4050821476917 4055143967129 4045454665975 4055143481571 4055143501026 4050821676973 4055144001570 4055143242318 4055143655507 4055143655514 4045454470128 4045454885229 4045454502713 4045454470135 4045454502751 4055143475648 4050821099789 4050821053002 4050821468929 4050821255291 4050821226741 4050821480761 4017332780735 4017332780742 4017332780759 4017332780773 4017332780766 4017332843737 4050821561415 4050821561392 4050821561408 4050821561422 4050821561439 4050821561446 4050821561453 4050821809654 4055143295529