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Medium Profiles for LED Strips -PM02/R/18X15,5/10/1 image 2
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Medium Profiles for LED Strips -PM02/R/18X15,5/10/1 thumbnail 2

Medium Profiles for LED Strips -PM02/R/18X15,5/10/1

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
5,296 €
This price is valid until 31.03.25
Split box: 10,00 €
EAN: 4058075278349
MPN: 4058075278349
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): By request

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Medium Profiles for LED Strips -PM02/R/18X15,5/10/1
Categories Profiles for LED strips
Accessories/spare parts for light ribbon-/hose/-strip
Country of origin CN
Harmonized System Code 7616 9990 00
Type of accessory/spare part Profile
Accessory Yes
Spare part Yes

Packing details

Packing level 1 4058075278349
Packing level 2 4058075278363



Medium Profiles for LED Strips. Product benefits: Robust aluminum profile. Quick and simple installation. Areas of application: General indoor illumination.


Suitable for

Suitable for
4058075707818 4058075707832 4058075707733 4058075707795 4058075707757 4058075707771 4058075707696 4058075707719 4058075707634 4058075707672 4058075707573 4058075707658 4058075707597 4058075707535 4058075707559 4058075707511 4058075707498 4058075707474 4058075671270 4058075671294 4058075597549 4058075597556 4058075597532 4058075597525 4058075597457 4058075597419 4058075597440 4058075597433 4058075597402 4058075597426 4058075436084 4058075296992 4058075296091 4058075296152 4058075296121 4058075236684 4058075236547 4058075236400 4058075236141