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Mini USB to USB connector cable AA029521R

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
38,27 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4547648872188
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Mini USB to USB connector cable AA029521R
Brand Omron
Categories Ethernet cable (network)
Country of origin NL
Harmonized System Code 8503 0099 00
Length 2 m
Colour outer sheath Black
Number of cores 4
Connection type connection 1 Plug
Connection type connection 2 Plug
Type of connector connection 1 Other
Type of connector connection 2 Other

Packing details

Packing level 1 4547648872188, 4547648872188


Mini USB to USB connector cable

Suitable for

Suitable for
4549734959407 4549734959414 4549734959421 4549734959438 4549734959452 4549734959308 4549734944120 4549734944212 4549734944236 4549734944182 4549734944076 4549734944137 4549734944069 4549734944144 4549734944151 4549734944168 4549734944175 4549734944106 4549734944083 4549734944113 4549734944052 4549734944229 4549734944199 4549734947848 4549734947879 4549734947886 4549734972147 4549734972154 4549734794596 4549734794589 4549734972161 4549734972178 4549734972185 4549734972192 4549734794558 4549734972208 4549734972215 4549734972222 4549734972239 4549734794510 4549734971928 4549734971935 4549734794800 4549734971942 4549734794794 4549734971959 4549734794787 4549734971966 4549734794770 4549734971973 4549734794763 4549734971980 4549734794756 4549734971997 4549734794749 4549734972000 4549734794732 4549734972017 4549734794725 4549734972024 4549734794718 4549734972031 4549734794701 4549734972048 4549734794695 4549734972055 4549734794688 4549734972062 4549734972079 4549734794664 4549734972086 4549734794657 4549734972093 4549734794640 4549734972109 4549734794633 4549734972116 4549734794626 4549734972123