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Mod.1FM output 3A 230V+2inp. mains power image 1

Mod.1FM output 3A 230V+2inp. mains power

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
78,40 € per pcs
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 3250615988805
Package: 1
Pallet: 1440
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 2-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Mod.1FM output 3A 230V+2inp. mains power
Brand Hager
Categories Sensors
Harmonized System Code 8526 9200 00
Mounting method Flush mounted (plaster)
Rated current 3 A
Output power 690 W
Rated operating voltage 230 V
Bus system KNX Yes
Bus system radio frequent No
Bus system Powernet No
Max. switching power 500 W
With bus connection Yes
Max. number of switching contacts 1
Width in number of modular spacings 0
Max. switching current 3 A
Other bus systems None
Bus system LON No
Suitable for C-load Yes
Different phases connectable No
Local operation/hand operation Yes
Degree of protection (IP) IP20
With LED indication Yes
Modular expandability No
Bus system KNX radio No
Radio frequent bidirectional Yes
Bus module detachable No
Min. depth of built-in installation box 40 mm

Packing details

Packing level 1 3250615988805, 3250615988805
Packing level 2 3250615988805
Packing level 3 3250615988805


Module 1 flush mounted output 3A 230V + 2 inputs mains powered, KNX radio