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Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC image 1
Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC image 2
Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC image 3
Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC thumbnail 1
Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC thumbnail 2
Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC thumbnail 3

Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
557,49 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4015081784110
MPN: 184252
Package: 1

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Motor operator 110-125 VAC/DC
Categories Accessories (Automatics & control)
Country of origin CN
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Rated control supply voltage at AC 50 Hz 110-127 V
Rated control supply voltage at AC 60 Hz 110-127 V
Rated control supply voltage at DC 110-125 V
Type of switch drive Motor drive
Voltage type for actuating AC/DC

Packing details

Packing level 1 4015081784110


Accessories, Motor operator, The motor automatically tensions the spring force storage mechanism for remote or local actuation., Retrofitting kit, Maximum operating frequency Actuations/minute 3, Please note - the circuit-breaker's switching frequency = 60/h, Rated control voltage Us 110 - 127 V AC 50/60 Hz, 110 - 125 V DC V, Operating range x US 0,85 - 1,1 Factor, max. Betriebsstrom In 2 AC / 1 DC A, max. Anlaufstrom (35ms) In 6 AC / 5 DC A, max. Leistung AC/DC 280 AC / 150 DC VA/W, max. Anlaufleistung (35ms) AC/DC 3 VA/W, For use with IZMX16…, INX16…

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