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Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 1
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 2
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 3
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 4
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 5
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 6
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 7
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 8
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 9
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA image 10
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 1
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 2
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 3
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 4
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 5
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 6
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 7
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 8
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 9
Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA thumbnail 10

Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 10
Price (excl. VAT):
57,05 €
This price is valid until 31.12.24
Subtotal: 570,50 € MOQ: 10
EAN: 0051712719735
Package: 1

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Fuse-holder, low voltage, 30 A, AC 600 V, 69.5 x 30.6 mm, UL, CSA
Categories Fuses
Country of origin MX
Harmonized System Code 8536 9010 00

Packing details

Packing level 1 0051712719735




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Suitable for
0051712521208 5027590060202 5027590060219 5027590060233 5027590407441 0051712520232 5027590449472 5027590060240 5027590243124 5027590449496 5027590407472 5027590060257 5027590449519 5027590170444 5027590060264 5027590449540 5027590449557 5027590407489 0051712520508 5027590060295 5027590407496 0051712520065 0051712520607 0051712520706 5027590449618 0051712786249 5027590407519 5027590407526 5027590449847 5027590060424 0051712786232 0051712786119 5027590449892 5027590060448 5027590449915 0051712786126 5027590449922 5027590060455 5027590407588 5027590060479 5027590407595 0051712786027 5027590449977 5027590449984 5027590407601 5027590060493 0051712786652 0051712786034 5027590060516 5027590407632 5027590170468 5027590416542 5027590060530 5027590060547 5027590407663 5027590407670 5027590060554 0051712786300 0051712786065 5027590450041 5027590060578 5027590060585 0051712786324 0051712786188 5027590407694 5027590063340 5027590445283 0051712695008 5027590445306 0051712695152 5027590243605 5027590445313 0051712562652 0051712695169 0051712695091 0051712695183 5027590445351 0051712695206 0051712695251 5027590445382 5027590256087 0051712695046 0051712695305 5027590445412 5027590445436 0051712695190 5027590445429 5027590445450 5027590063470 5027590445764 0051712420013 5027590445788 5027590445795 5027590445801 5027590063487 5027590445825 5027590445856 5027590063494 5027590063517 5027590063500 0051712420204 0051712420136 5027590445900 5027590445917 0051712420303 5027590445924 5027590063562 5027590445962 5027590063579 5027590063586 5027590446020 5027590446051 5027590446037 5027590446044 5027590446068