Plug-in cover cap with adapter frame for devices with cover plate (50 x 50 mm) and angled socket outlet cream white glossy Features: With this cover cap and frame (1-gang to 5-gang), devices with a square central plate (50 x 50 mm) from other manufacturers, e.g. Alcatel, AMP Econo Link System, Brand-Rex, METZ CONNECT (BTR), Kannegieter BICC Brand Rex, Krone, Molex, Reichle de Massari, Rutenbeck, Schumann Netzwerktechnik RJ45 connection box cat.5 BICC, Siemens ICCS 100 and 300, Telegärtner, Telenorma, TKM, Quante, Panduit (2-gang MSCSP 2) can be integrated into the design line.