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Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black image 1
Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black image 2
Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black thumbnail 1
Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black thumbnail 2

Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
145,42 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4050118389951
MPN: 2005080000
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Ink ribbon (Printer), Width: 76 mm, Length: 360000 mm, black
Brand Weidmüller
Categories Tools, measuring instruments and protection
Country of origin FR
Harmonized System Code 9612 1010 00
Model Coloured ribbon

Packing details

Packing level 1 4050118389951


Accessories for marking systems which use an ink ribbon for printing. The ink ribbon carries the printing ink.

Suitable for

Suitable for
4050118390681 4050118390841 4050118391121 4050118390254 4050118390063 4050118391039 4050118390131 4050118390797 4050118390308 4050118390209 4050118391077 4050118390230 4050118391213 4050118390278 4050118390346 4050118390650 4050118390223 4050118390087 4050118390889 4050118390094 4050118390674 4050118390070 4050118390933 4050118390148 4050118390353 4050118391084 4050118390445 4050118390858 4050118390322 4050118390902 4050118390377 4050118390339 4050118390513 4050118390315 4050118391510 4050118390360 4050118390421 4050118391138 4050118390247 4050118390926 4050118390384 4050118390414 4050118390971 4050118390285 4050118391022 4050118390391 4050118390490 4050118390261 4050118390544 4050118390452 4050118390292 4050118390407 4050118391053 4050118390551 4050118391244 4050118390476 4050118391145 4050118390568 4050118391190 4050118390193 4050118390575 4050118391169 4050118390605 4050118391251 4050118390537 4050118390179 4050118391435 4050118390506 4050118390698 4050118390599 4050118390964 4050118390704 4050118391480 4050118390483 4050118390940 4050118390520 4050118390162 4050118391046 4050118390711 4050118391176 4050118390186 4050118391404 4050118390469 4050118390995 4050118390438 4050118391329 4050118390582 4050118390155 4050118391060 4050118391299 4050118390803 4050118391305 4050118391367 4050118391428 4050118391466 4050118391541 4050118391619 4050118391336 4050118391350 4050118391633 4050118391626 4050118391657 4050118391459 4050118391183 4050118391374 4050118391558 4050118391442 4050118391398 4050118391664 4050118391503 4050118391701 4050118391671 4050118506464 4050118506471 4050118506488 4050118506495 4050118508307 4050118508314 4050118508321 4050118508338 4050118508345 4050118508352 4050118508369 4050118508376 4050118508383 4050118508390 4050118508406 4050118508413 4050118508420 4050118508437 4050118508444 4050118508468 4050118508475 4050118508482 4050118508499 4050118508505 4050118508512 4050118508536 4050118508529 4050118530971 4050118531046 4050118531053 4050118531060 4050118531077 4050118530995 4050118531206 4050118531213 4050118531237 4050118531244 4050118531251 4050118531268 4050118531282 4050118531299 4050118539141 4050118538861 4050118538878 4050118538885 4050118538892 4050118539219 4050118539226 4050118539233 4050118539240 4050118539257 4050118549614 4050118549621 4050118549638 4050118626377 4050118626131 4050118626124 4050118626117 4050118626148 4050118626100 4050118626094 4050118626087 4050118626070 4050118626063 4050118626056 4050118626049 4050118626032 4050118626025 4050118626018 4050118626001 4050118625998 4050118625981 4050118625974 4050118625967 4050118625950 4050118625943 4050118625936 4050118625929 4050118625912 4050118625905 4050118625899 4050118625882 4050118625875 4050118625868 4050118625851 4050118625844 4050118625837 4050118625820 4050118625813 4050118625806 4050118625790 4050118625783 4050118625776 4050118625769 4050118625752 4050118625745 4050118625738 4050118625721 4050118625714 4050118625707 4050118625691 4050118625684 4050118625677 4050118625660 4050118625653 4050118625639 4050118625646 4050118625622 4050118625615 4050118654653 4050118750065 4050118750058 4050118750041 4050118750034 4050118750027 4050118750010 4050118750003 4050118749991 4050118749984 4050118749977 4050118749960 4050118749953 4050118749946 4050118749878 4050118749861 4050118749854 4050118749847 4050118749830 4050118749823 4050118749816