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SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection image 1
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection image 2
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection image 3
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection image 4
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection thumbnail 1
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection thumbnail 2
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection thumbnail 3
SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection thumbnail 4

SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
105,11 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4015081656103
MPN: 169131
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): By request

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name SmartWire-DT communication module for DC1 variable frequency drives, IP20 degree of protection
Categories Control gear
Country of origin GB
Harmonized System Code 8517 6200 00
Type of accessory/spare part Communication module
Accessory Yes
Spare part No

Packing details

Packing level 1 4015081656103


SmartWire-DT module, Fieldbus connection (optional): SmartWire-DT, For use with: DE1, DE11, DC1 (IP20), Connection technique: Plug-in module (front) with slot for SWD4-8SF2-5 external device plug

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