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ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring image 1
ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring image 2
ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring image 3
ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring thumbnail 1
ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring thumbnail 2
ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring thumbnail 3

ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
16,36 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4046356274647
MPN: 1607772
Box: 1

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name ST-Z0003 - Square mounting flange with O-ring
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Industrial connections and blocks
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Width 0 mm
Height 0 mm
Depth 0 mm
Inflammability class of insulation material according to with UL94 Other
With PE-connection No
Fixing direction Swivelling

Packing details

Packing level 1 4046356274647, 4046356274647


Square mounting flange with O-ring, Axial O-ring, 4xM3, series: ST

Suitable for

Suitable for
4046356273589 4046356273381 4046356273718 4046356273725 4046356273749 4046356273770 4046356273879 4046356273886 4046356273732 4046356273787 4046356273893 4046356273930 4046356273947 4046356274036 4046356274043 4046356274050 4046356274067 4046356274098 4046356274197 4046356273909 4046356274104 4046356274203 4046356274210 4046356274227 4046356274258 4046356274265 4046356274357 4046356274364 4046356274371 4046356274388 4046356274517 4046356274524 4046356274531 4046356274548 4046356274579 4046356274586 4046356274418 4046356274425 4046356401098 4046356401081 4046356401104 4046356401111 4046356401142 4046356401159 4046356401265 4046356401272 4046356401289 4046356401296 4046356401319 4046356442084 4046356442091 4046356442107 4046356442114 4046356442145 4046356401326 4046356442138 4046356442299 4046356442305 4046356442312 4046356442329 4046356442343 4046356442350 4046356813976 4046356813969 4046356813952 4046356813945 4046356813921 4046356813914 4046356813884 4046356813877 4046356814041 4046356813938 4046356813891 4046356813907 4046356622431 4046356622417 4046356622455 4046356622424 4046356622400 4046356622448 4046356622691 4046356622677 4046356622721 4046356622462 4046356622684 4046356622714 4046356622349 4046356622882 4046356622356 4046356622332 4046356623148 4046356622936 4046356622899 4046356622929 4046356622363 4046356622875 4046356622905 4046356622974 4046356622950 4046356622967 4046356622998 4046356622943 4046356622981 4046356623018 4046356623025 4046356623032 4046356623001 4046356623056 4046356623049