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Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray image 1
Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray image 2
Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray thumbnail 1
Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray thumbnail 2

Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 25
Price (excl. VAT):
0,92 €
This price is valid until 24.12.25
Subtotal: 23,00 € MOQ: 25
EAN: 4044918271028
MPN: 780-456
Package: 1
Box: 25
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray
Brand WAGO
Categories Cable caps and connectors, clamps
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8536 6990 00
Mounting method Pluggable
Colour Grey
Model Box connector
Insulated Yes
Rated voltage 400 V
Modular spacing 23.05 mm
Number of bridged clamps 2
With shock protection Yes
Rated current In 24 A
Explosion-tested version 'Ex e' Yes

Packing details

Packing level 1 4044918271028
Packing level 2 4044918271028
Packing level 3 4044918271028


Staggered jumper from 1 to 6 insulated gray

Suitable for

Suitable for
4044918391221 4044918391269 4044918311328 4044918311427 4044918311441 4044918311205 4044918311229 4044918392037 4044918311250 4044918391474 4044918311496 4044918465298 4044918465328 4044918391092 4044918391061 4044918467834 4044918391450 4044918311137 4044918311168 4044918311113 4017332363808 4017332363822 4017332363815 4044918519922 4044918519960 4044918520034 4044918560757 4044918560788 4044918560832 4044918484671 4044918484718 4044918519939 4044918484756 4044918519984 4044918560771 4044918520058 4044918560795 4044918484688 4044918484725 4044918484763 4044918325806 4044918325912 4044918325936 4044918328043 4045454100179 4045454100148 4045454108144 4045454103699 4045454100155 4045454105907 4045454100124 4045454100261 4045454100087 4045454100919 4045454084769 4045454121167 4045454084790 4045454084783 4045454084806 4045454121181 4044918473064 4044918473255 4045454100162 4045454100131 4044918473132 4050821293583 4050821293644 4050821293613 4044918501859 4045454093952 4045454093990 4045454194338 4050821293699 4050821214908 4050821293651 4050821293637 4044918539029 4044918478991 4044918539005 4050821293682 4044918479158 4044918539111 4050821293569 4050821293705 4050821293729 4044918543316 4044918543323 4050821293712 4050821293750 4045454194628 4045454093167 4045454093181 4050821293552 4050821293743 4044918539081 4044918681018 4044918681056 4044918544610 4044918681032 4044918544641 4044918544665 4044918681087 4044918544696 4045454092566 4045454084660 4045454084677 4045454092573 4045454084684 4044918965569 4045454075552 4045454044503 4055143309325 4050821014553 4050821014560 4050821014577 4050821014584 4050821180975 4050821180999 4044918637138 4044918637176 4045454299231 4044918890199 4045454299262 4044918890205 4044918637206 4045454365707 4045454365721 4044918637244 4045454280215 4045454093693 4045454093716 4050821861386 4045454093754 4045454093884 4045454365745 4045454365769 4045454093891 4045454365776 4044918637251 4045454396565 4044918637275 4050821864691 4045454365790 4045454365806 4044918637282 4045454559441 4045454559489 4044918637121 4045454559496 4044918637152 4044918637008 4044918637169 4045454327026 4044918637190 4045454194550 4050821248835 4044918890212 4044918890229 4044918890236 4044918890250 4044918637039 4045454093730 4045454194598 4050821861393 4050821861485 4045454093761 4045454093785 4045454093778 4045454093792 4045454093907 4044918637060 4045454093808 4045454093921 4044918637299 4045454093938 4045454871697 4045454871703 4050821083467 4050821107415 4044918827843 4044918391672 4050821107385 4055143958523 4044918827829 4044918554770 4045454871680 4045454222130 4044918827867 4045454871673 4044918827799 4044918556071 4044918542456 4044918556057 4044918827775 4044918477130 4044918934763 4044918630108 4044918934787 4044918630115 4045454072391 4045454198381 4045454198398 4050821418504 4050821418849 4045454198367 4045454198374 4050821418405 4050821418443 4044918934848 4044918934725 4044918934886 4044918934862 4044918934909 4044918630092 4044918630146 4044918630160 4044918630207 4044918630245 4044918934749 4017332095334 4044918935258 4044918935272 4044918473460 4044918473507 4044918473880 4044918473934 4055143967150 4044918473958 4044918474054 4044918474078 4044918474115 4044918474160 4044918474221 4044918474245 4044918474375 4044918474269 4044918474306 4044918474405 4044918474382