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Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 1
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 2
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 3
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 4
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 5
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 6
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 7
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 8
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 9
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 10
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 11
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 12
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 13
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 14
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 15
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 16
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 17
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC image 18
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 1
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 2
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 3
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 4
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 5
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 6
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 7
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 8
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 9
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 10
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 11
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 12
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 13
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 14
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 15
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 16
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 17
Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC thumbnail 18

Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
76,15 €
This price is valid until 31.12.25
EAN: 5906739013708
Package: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 1-4 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC
Categories Switch Disconnectors
Country of origin PL
Harmonized System Code 8536 3090 00
Cable entry Other
Rated permanent current Iu 160 A
Number of poles 3
Conditioned rated short-circuit current Iq 0.08 kA
Degree of protection (IP), front side IP30
Suitable for fuses NH00
Motor drive integrated No
Type of electrical connection of main circuit Cable clamp
Version as emergency stop installation No
Type of control element Cover grip
Version as main switch No
Version as safety switch No
Rated operation power at AC-23, 400 V 0.064 kW
Rated short-time withstand current lcw 80 kA
Suitable for floor mounting No
Suitable for front mounting No
Suitable for busbar mounting Yes
Max. rated operation voltage Ue AC 690 V
With error protection No
Motor drive optional No
Position control element Front side
Equipped with connectors No

Packing details

Packing level 1 5906739013708


Fuse accessory, Switch disconnector, low voltage, 160 A, AC 690 V, NH00, AC23B, 3P, IEC, Horizontal, 60 mm busbar mounting, top cable terminal, frame clamps, NH00 fuse-links, IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-3, IP20

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