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System adapter image 1
System adapter image 2
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System adapter thumbnail 3

System adapter

In stock: No Vendor stock: No Minimal order quantity: 1
Price (excl. VAT):
106,57 € per pcs
This price is valid until 24.12.25
EAN: 4046356651813
MPN: 2901993
Box: 1
Estimate delivery time at our warehouse (approx.): 4-6 weeks

Technical Information

Item condition New
Manufacture name System adapter
Brand Phoenix Contact
Categories Programmable logic controllers
Country of origin DE
Harmonized System Code 8538 9099 00
Width 51.1 mm
Height 104.1 mm
Depth 56.8 mm
Rated current 0 A
Rated voltage 0 V
Number of poles 0
Pollution degree 2

Packing details

Packing level 1 4046356651813, 4046356651813


Eight MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners and measuring transducers can be connected to a controller with minimal cabling effort and without any errors using system adapters and system cabling.


Suitable for

4046356558778 4046356558785 4046356614382 4046356614399 4046356614405 4046356720762 4046356720779 4017918886028 4017918886035 4017918886042 4017918880491 4017918886059 4017918886066 4017918886073 4017918886080 4017918886097 4046356155205 4046356292528 4046356327411 4046356327442 4046356327428 4046356327435 4046356327404 4046356447430 4046356178082 4017918983093 4046356648653 4046356649261 4046356649490 4046356649506 4046356651851 4046356649513 4046356651981 4046356649544 4046356649551 4046356649568 4046356649674 4046356652018 4046356651998 4046356652001 4046356649681 4046356649698 4046356649704 4046356652025 4046356652032 4046356652049 4046356649728 4046356652063 4046356649759 4046356652094 4046356649766 4046356649872 4046356649889 4046356649933 4046356649957 4046356649940 4046356681261 4046356857406 4046356857390 4046356915243 4046356915250 4046356937313 4046356999571 4046356999441 4046356999830 4046356999847 4055626003917 4055626370569
Suitable for
4046356649490 4046356649506 4046356651851 4046356649513 4046356651981 4046356649551 4046356649674 4046356651998 4046356652001 4046356652018 4046356649681 4046356649704 4046356652025 4046356649544 4046356649698 4046356649568 4046356652032 4046356652049 4046356652063 4046356649759 4046356652094 4046356649766 4046356649728 4046356649872 4046356649889 4046356649957 4046356681261 4046356857406 4046356857390 4046356915243 4046356915250 4046356937313 4046356999441 4046356999571 4046356999830 4046356999847